Bonus chapter

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My boss told us all we had Christmas party with the rest of the executives and staff in two weeks  and we all had a plus one🎊.

Cory is definitely my plus one.

I'll miss my Boss and her troubles and yeah I now work at a different organization it's quite a distance from home so I have to leave home two hours before work and work starts by 8.

I'm exhausted with this whole internship thing but my grades depend on it so I'm going to have to push through.

My new boss is exhausting, always asking for this documents and that documents she talks way too much and she always has too much information to share like don't you get it?
I don't give a damn!!!!!.

I know I'm ranting I'm sorry.

"Allison I need you to get all of the documents ready before we go on the break, the sponsors for the research next year are coming in this evening so I need everything to be perfect" she said and I nodded

"Yes Ma" I said

"Allison can you help get me Jayce from school today, I just might be stuck at a meeting and I dont want him wandering around the school" she said and I nodded again

"Allison could you tell Melinda I need my coffee right now" she said and I nodded again before turning around to leave

"One more thing Allison get my spa date with Lisa cancelled and send her an apology mail, she probably predicted it" she said for the nth time before I walked as fast as my legs could carry me before she remembered She left her laundry in her trunk for me.

I did just as my boss told me.

Through the afternoon I prayed for the time to run as fast but oh well here we are and it's still 3pm.

"Allison can you pick up my dress from the dry cleaner tomorrow" my boss said again, well at least it's clean laundry.

"Martin I need the need the study designs reviewed for the study to be conducted 29th next month" I said to one of my colleagues.

The study tools and designs for the this new study to be conducted at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, is kind of unclear but I know my boss would not want hear anything about not being ready so I'll try to do all of my work before the break.

"Melinda, can send me the template for the design we used last month, what Martin sent to me is sort of confusing" I asked

"Okay give me a minute" she said

"I don't have a minute Mrs. Bell needs this documents this evening" I countered and she looked up to take a careful look at me

"What?!" I asked

"Just wondering when you became so hardworking" she said and raised a brow at her

"I've always been hardworking, just send me the template" I said and picked her shoulder before leaving

"No coffee for you next month" she said and smiled

Melinda jokes a lot.

"Seen it" i said and she nodded

The sponsors came a bit later that evening by 6 which means I won't be able to catch a ride with Cory or Aiden this team I work with are quite extra with their work, my boss could have postponed this meeting but no she rather meets with a bunch of sponsors after their long flight from Hong Kong. 

-Can this meeting end already I'm tired 
Melinda's paper chat message read and I looked up to smile at her.

-They honestly think we have all day
I Wrote and folded the paper carefully and tucked it on the edge of the cover to my pen and stretched the pen to her.

She looked up and giggled and I smiled she was writing again before my eyes met with one of the sponsors

I just hope he didn't notice what we were doing, he looked away and at Melinda before he shook his head.

Shit! We are so in trouble.

The meeting ended by 8:30pm and I was really exhausted.

My presence wasn't even required at this meeting.

Melinda and I were about to step out of the board room when I noticed the man that saw us earlier walking towards us, I grabbed Melinda's hand and tried to walk as fast out of the place but this man was faster.

"Not so fast" he said

We both looked at him confused and then he gave us that look like don't play dumb with me

"Don't play dumb with me" He said and we both dropped our shoulders
"I was once like you, paper chatting during meetings" he said and we both looked down at the ground

"You both are my personal interns on this project, let's see how much of paper chatting you can do on my watch" he said and I looked at him apologetically

"You're dismissed"he said and we both walked as fast out of the board room, to the office to pick up our stuff and straight to Melinda's car.

We made more jokes about this mystery man that thinks chatting is a sin, we got dinner and Melinda dropped me at the closest bust stop to the house.

"Bye Melinda" I said as she dropped me at the bus stop.

"Bye and say hello to that cute boyfriend of yours" she said and I laughed

It was dark already and I hate walking in the dark!

In 15 minutes I was home, I knocked twice before Cory came to open the door.

"Hey" He said
"Hi" I replied and just then my phone beeped and the official invitation to the Christmas party came in.

"Are you free in two weeks?" I asked And he nodded

"Why tho?" He asked
"There's a party at work and I have a plus one" I said and he nodded
"What date?" He asked

"Let me check" I said and unlocked my phone to check the mail.
"10th " I said and he nodded

" corporate or casual?" He asked
"The mail said it's a dinner/awards night so corporate it is" I said

"What are you doing this year for your birthday?" He asked
"True my birthday is almost here, sincerely I don't have a plan" I said and he looked at me weirdly

"Why does it sound like you forgot"he asked and I laughed

"I forgot actually" I said
"Well probably I'd have a few friends over and we could have dinner or go out to someplace" I said

"Not a plan" he said
"Okay fine since you're so great at planning stuff like this, plan it" I said
"I didn't say I was great at it but it would be my honor to plan it" he said and nodded
"I want to shower and go to bed, I'm exhausted" I said
"What about dinner?" He asked
"I had burger and milk shake on my way home" I said
"Goodnight" He said and pecked my forehead
"Goodnight" I said.
Hey guys been a while, so what do you think about this ship Allison and Cory are building?


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