Chapter 32

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I barged into my moms room and headed straight to the gun safe. Inside that safe is what we're gonna need to get Sarah, and possibly my dad, out. I attempted to open the latch, but to no prevail. I forgot about the key. Who needs a key though when you can speed up your molecules fast enough to pass through solid objects? Not me. I speed my arm up to the point it sounded like a thousand bees buzzing in the room and it was almost transparent. I then proceeded to push my hand through the hardened steel gun safe. I solidified my hand while in the safe, felt around for what felt like a lifetime, and finally pulled out what I was looking for.

"What's that for?" asked Andrew, looking at the AR-15 and the 9MM in my hand.

"You." I said, shoving them in his hands. "You're gonna need them."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I need you. In there. With me, by my side . So are you in or are you out?" I asked him. extending my hand for him to shake

"Screw it, I'm in." he said, extending his hand towards mine and shaking it firm and hard, letting me know he really was in all the way.

"So what now?" Andrew asked.

"We need to go back to that junk yard," I told him, "and find a way in."

"Find a way in how?" he asked. "If this is some laboratory, and they knew your dad, that means they could be expecting someone like you. Someone with powers like yours."

"We've got to try." I said to him. "If we don't what's the point of me having these powers?"

"I guess," he said, still sounding skeptical.

"Wouldn't you do anything it took to get back the ones you loved?" I asked him.

"I would." he said, raising his head taller and setting his shoulders back.

"Then lets go get those bastards."

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