Chapter 29

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I looked everywhere for Andrew, but through all the chaos of all those kids asking me what I'm gonna do, it was nearly impossible to find him. I finally thought to myself  'screw it, these guys have seen my powers in action. Guess they get to see a little show.'

I sped through the halls, dodging kids left and right looking for Andrew. I still couldn't find him. I was panicking, cause I knew what I had to do, sort of, but I was scared out of my mind cause I had no real game plan.

I ran through the whole school twice, and on that second run through I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I came to a screeching halt and grabbed his arm. The kids around me looked terrified and at the same time in awe.

"Andrew, I need you man." I said trying to pull him along.

"Why? I'm not the one with powers!" He exclaimed trying to pull away.

"But you're the one that can help me come up with a plan." I said almost sounding defeated. "I need you man." He thought about it for a minute.

"Alright alright," he finally said. "I help you. But what's our first move?" He asked

"My place." I said. "My mom will know where to help."

"Okay, get to my car then." He said.

"No time," I said throwing him over my shoulder, "hold on."

"Wait wait wai...!" He screamed as I took off.

We were at my place in a matter of seconds, leaving the commotion of the school behind. Running this fast felt natural, like I should have been doing it my whole life.

I came to a stop at my doorstep and set Andrew down.

"God dammit Tyler!" He screamed at me. "Next time let me get ready!"

"Not time," I said as he started dry heaving from vertigo. "We have to go now."

I walked through the door of my house, and started looking for my mom. 'What was today? Monday?' I thought to myself. 'Dammit, she's at work.'

I headed straight to my room, looking for my least burnt up pair of sneakers. As I walked in, I noticed there was a box sitting on my bed, and after the events from this morning, I wasn't taking any chances. Using my speed, I ran to the box, opened it ran back out to Andrew who just got done dry heaving.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Mom's not here and there was a box on my bed. Thought it was a bomb. Apparently not." I said.

"Well nothing has blown up yet. Let's go check it out." Andrew insisted.

We hesitantly made our way to my room. The box was still there, open, and from where I was standing I could see a blue lighting bolt. As I got closer, I could see what it really was. It was a suit. The suit my mom told me she was gonna have her friends make for me.

I reached in the box and pulled it out and looked it over. In addition to the blue lighting bolt, there was a silver chest with the left arm silver and the right arm was blue, and the right leg was silver and the left leg was blue. It looked amazing.

"Well?" Asked Andrew. "What are you waiting for? Put it on!"

I put it on in a flash. Literally. It fit perfectly. I flipped the hood over my eyes, looked down at my hands, and rushed to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I honestly looked pretty badass.

"Hey Tyler!" Yelled Andrew from my room. "What do you think this is?" Has asked as I came back into the room. He was holding some sort of wireless headset.

"I don't know," I said a little confused about it myself. "Try it on." He adjusted it and then put it on his head.

"What do you think!" He asked, but not only did I hear him in front of me, I heard him in my right ear.

"It's a communication device!" I exclaimed. "You can y'all with me through the suit!"

"Nice." He said. "Now what?" He asked.

I still didn't know.

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