Chapter Seventy

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My ears beep after the explosion. My head is hurting like hell and I don't know what's happening or where I am. I try to push away the squealing sound, but I fail. It rises above every other sound. The best I can manage, is to get it to the background. When that works, I move a bit. I realise that I'm lying face down on the ground, in the middle of Peters' computer lab, on top of Talin. That last discovery gives me a tiny heart attack.

I push myself up. I hear nothing. The squealing sound in my ears has disappeared, but I hear nothing. So now I became deaf too? That will be a disaster! How will I be able to communicate with just my sight? I try to ignore the fear and push myself further up. Someone helps me and when I look to my right, Talin gives me a weak smile. Why is he helping me? He's injured!

We walk bend-down in tiny steps to a place with less damage. I see Mike trying to get up. He seems to be unharmed by the explosion, maybe some bruises. When I almost turn around the corner to leave this hellhole, I turn around and look at him. He stares back with guilt in his eyes, telling me I was right all along. Anissa would indeed rather murder someone than save him.

I'm pushed towards the stairs by Talin, but I know this isn't right. A Visioned agent doesn't feel guilty about what he did. Mike is just happy he's alive and that he can go his own way. It has all been a lie. He has betrayed me. But that isn't all. He knows Talin has a brother. I told him Talin has a brother and if Visioned finds out, they can use that against him. And they can't hurt Talin.

I turn around and run up the stairs. While doing that, I grab Andrews' gun out of the belt around his hips and shoot Mike down. I shoot him and he falls down, dead. Am I really that cold? I can just kill someone because they did me wrong? That's Visioned's method of working, not mine! I feel Andrews' hands on my shoulders and push me down the stairs more harshly. I killed someone.

*Inga Mestoeva POV*

"You wanted to see me?" I ask when the lights inside Layla's cell turn on. She's eating the horrible food that is served here.

"Did we get her?" She wonders.

"She escaped." I explain with a sigh and she takes another bite. "She must have figured it out." I add so I won't give myself away. "You should know how hard it is to lie and get away with it."

"Oh, I know. And I think that's something you're about to find out." I feel she wants to tell me something with that. She probably has a feeling that I had something to do with this. She has a feeling I'm CIA.

"What are you talking about?" I ask curiously.

"I warned you not to betray me, Inga Twice. And each time I knew you would." She gets up and walks towards me. I know she can't touch me, still I put a step backwards. "I know you warned Willow. Do you have any idea how furious Anissa will be if she finds out that you ruined her golden opportunity? I guaranty your partnership will be terminated." She's so accusing.

"It's my word against yours." I say slyly.

"And you will pass a lie detector test? I own you, Inga." She goes back to eating her meal. "From now on, you'll get me what I want, when I want. No questions asked. Or there will be... questions asked." I pull my vest a bit down.

"Go to hell." I spit out. She can't do this. So I have to leave.

"You know where to find me!"

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