Chapter Sixty-Two

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*Inga Mestoeva POV*

"It's crazy: Willow's dad being Visioned, you know. Did you know her father's real identity?" I ask while I walk towards Layla's prison. Aquarium, as some agents like to call it. All made of glass, the slippery eel included. Just the water is missing.

"I did." She concisely says. Of course she would know. She was Willow's mother's best friend for years before she betrayed both Visioned and Willow's mother. Still, I have some questions.

"Why did you keep it a secret? What's the point?" She sighs and starts telling another memory.


*Layla POV*

"All I'm asking for is a chance to talk some sense into her. As far as I can tell, nobody has done that." Agent Heather Green says.

"If I don't see immediate improvement, I'll put an end to her mission. And you'll be the one to tell her so." Ryan says strictly. Then both agent Talin and agent Green leave the room because Ryan asked them to.

"I wouldn't count on her succeeding. Willow is a tough nut to crack." I tell Ryan.

"Should I have left it to the expert?" He says pretty-pretty and turns more towards the telephone through which I'm audible. Now I can hear him better. I heard the whole conversation, so I know exactly what's going on with Willow. She isn't behaving very well. Training a lot, being rude and provocative... How I love my weekly calls to Ryan... There's always some new gossip. And I really love the fact that Willow Green, Merel Thirlwall's daughter appeared on the radar. And it's even more juicy after I knew why.

"The way I see it, Willow runs on anger. It fuels the fire and she can't turn it off and there's a lot of anger. She's like a dog that has been kicked his whole life. All she knows what to do is to lash out." I give my opinion.

"How would you do it?" He asks me, like he always does. We both know who the real mastermind in the team is.

"Willow won't stop until she knows where she comes from. I say we let her find her father. It will give her a sense of self-worth. At least, let her feel grateful to you, and she'll be loyal for life."

"Just channel it." Of course. He needs her loyalty. I sigh before hanging up.

"The idea was his. The plan was all mine. Willow was always snooping around on CIA computers, trying to dig up her past. So I decided to let her uncover her personnel file and see that her father was listed as classified. She would track him down, show up at his front door and find out that not only was she not trash, she was an intelligent royalty. She was as good as those other deadbeat agents. She had to figure out she was cut out for this life."

"Why didn't you just tell her? Why did you let her discover it for herself?"

"Why did I make you work for the info on Gaspar instead of just telling you?"

"Because it wasn't true."

Tais-ToiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora