Chapter Sixty-Six

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I only saw the last hit Peters received from Mike before falling on the ground. Mike spins around and takes the gun from the ground. He points it at Peters and that's where I jump in. There's no time anymore to think about a decent plan. I have to intervene immediately or Peters will die! I have gotten a team for protection and help. And that's exactly what I'm going to offer Peters.

I kick the gun out of Mike's hands and give him three hard blows to his nose. He's totally surprised and that's why it's easier for me to throw him to the ground. The last blow of three is the hardest of them all and that's when he falls backwards on the ground. I jump on top of him and keep him pinned to the ground so I can quickly say something.

Was it all a lie?! Where is my father?! Then I keep him to the ground by grabbing his wrists and pinning them to the ground. I'm sitting with all my weight on his belly.

"I'm the only family you get!" He hisses and I start beating him senseless. I'm furious. I keep hitting him, even though blood is coming out of his mouth. He made me believe that I found my biological father while actually, he's just a dirty Visioned agent. He's here to steal the black box back.

"Hey! Stop!" It's Talin who drags me away from Mike, while I'm still fighting against him. The others woke up, finally, and I see Satori still rubbing her eyes in her elegant nightdress. My elegance has disappeared completely and I'm furious. I see Peters crawling up with a gun and he hands it to me, God knows where he got that from. I walk towards Mike and point it at him. I let the tears of fury run down while I look at the others' reactions.

Peters is as furious as I am. Of course he is. This guy beat him almost unconscious! He attacked him in the middle of the night. And Andrews, he looks betrayed. And guilty. Guilty that he let a Visioned agent into the house, into our safe haven. Talin looks more concerned. Not about Peters, but about me. Why? I'm not the one who got beaten up. I'm just fine. I'm more than fine. I'm ready for this vicious world full of liars and cheaters.

Who are you working for? I ask after we strapped Mike to a chair. The only thing I want right now, is a long, warm shower. I don't know why, but I always feel better after a shower.

"Who do you think?" Peters answers in Mike's place. "Visioned. For the black box." Peters comes into the computer lab with the black danger. I follow him to his desk.

Hey, Peters. You did fight him off. You saved us. I think he really needs to be reminded of that.

"Don't thank me. Thank Inga. She's the one who warned us off." I nod and pin my attention back on Mike, if that's een his real name. I can't help but wonder how Visioned found out that we have the black box, and not the CIA. Because we found Mike? No, we could have read the black box files inside the CIA too.

So what was the plan? Kill us in our sleep? How much time did they give you? I ask Mike a few questions. He doesn't seem to want to answer soon. I need to step up a bit more. So I take the knife I was hiding in my boot and I put it against Mike's face. How about I reopen that would my mother stitched. I can be just as cruel as you are. Still, he doesn't flinch and I replace the knife to his throat.

"I'm Visioned." He finally says.

I knew it. I knew it.

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