Chapter Thirteen

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I decide not to go home. I don't want to and I can't take any more drama for today. To be honest, I'm afraid of what my dad will say. He will be furious because I came home without saying something. I know I have to talk to him one day, but for now I'm not ready. He lied to me... And I'm afraid, terrified. I asked Heather if she could bring me back to school. I will have to explain a lot when I come back inside over there, but that's the least of my worries. It still less scarier than facing my dad. I'll just say that my dad had to be somewhere very unexpectedly.

The big car stops in front of the head entrance, under a streetlight. It shined an orange light over the black car. I sigh before I open the door of the car. But before I get out of the car, I turn around for one last time. I look up to my grandmother who I've seen for the first time today.

You will come and visit me, right? Even if dad forbids you again? And if you do, you will tell me more about my mom, won't you?

"It will be very difficult with my job. I actually live in Washington. And I only come to London twice in maybe two years, if I'm lucky. But I will surely try. I'll let you know." I nod and get out of the car, close the door and wave to the black Mercedes. When I enter the school again, I almost bump into Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a girl who has a room in the same corridor as me. That means she can't speak either. She hasn't been able to speak since birth. We don't start a conversation, but she waves before stepping into her parents' car. At least she gets to go home.

Saturday morning, I wake up because the sunlight is shining in my room. I forgot to close the curtains again. I sigh, but stay in bed. This isn't a good time to get out of bed. I tuck myself back in and enjoy the endless silence. It's never possible that there's a lot of noise over here. Only a few people have a room in this hallway and they're all like me: mute, no voice, dead quiet. One advantage: never a single sound at night. I take my iPod from the bedside table and put on some music. It's too early to get up. Especially after what happened yesterday.

The one thing I really wish right now, is that I'd never left the school. I'd rather stayed and thought that dad was out of town for a meeting for work. But on the other hand, I'm happy that I finally know more. Although it frustrates me that I still don't know the whole story. My thoughts are disrupted by three short knocks on the door.

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