Chapter Six

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I knew from that moment on that there was more to the story than I thought there was. But I don't really know how I feel about all of that. Disappointed? Angry? Beaten? Curious for more? Betrayed? Dad has been lying to me for over six years! And I'd suspected it all this time, but he never told the truth, despite my best efforts! He has lied to me for six years and he has been hiding it for seventeen years! I guess you can say that I'm angry at him.

But he's not the only one I should be angry at. Gwendolyn never told me a thing either. But why? I can't imagine my sister wanting to hurt me on purpose. And how can my grandmother possibly be dangerous. Is it 'dangerous' like a danger to society? Is she a psychopath? Is that why my mother died? Did someone murder her? The idea has been in my head for quite some time, but I just can't believe someone would murder her.

This lie is so well planned! How could I have not seen this? How could I not know this? They have everything figured out, to the tiniest detail! They have an explanation for everything! I want to know what's really going on here! I want to know why I'm mute. I want to meet my grandmother. I want to interrogate my father again and I want him to tell me everything!

Music helps to calm down, I tell myself. I search in my playlist and find a song: 'What Makes You Beautiful'. It's an old song from One Direction, an old band from almost 20 years ago. I'm really into that old music from the 2010s. Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Rihanna... All wonderful artists. I pick up my guitar and try to copy the notes. Until the door opens and my dad comes in. I didn't hear him knocking...

"I didn't know you were into boybands like that. 'What Makes You Beautiful'... A lot of girls my age used to freak out over their music." He says while taking a seat next to me. 'What Makes You Beautiful' is the only song I really know from One Direction. Peony played it once and that's how I got to know it. Before that, I'd never heard of One Direction. I hear Gwendolyn's door opening and it doesn't take her long to appear in the door frame.

Mum too?

"Especially your mum." He laughs. "She used to have posters all over the place and she had every single CD they released." And where are those posters and CDs now? "I often went crazy of hearing those same songs over and over again. I have to be honest, it has been a while since I've heard that song." I laugh a little and Gwen smiles too. "They were the biggest boyband back then."

"So, what happened to them?" Gwen asks.

"Oh, uhm..." He thinks about that for a while Yeah, I can imagine that's a difficult question. "If I recall correctly, one of the five left the band, the other four continued and released one more album before going solo. All of them. After a few years, there was a little reunion, but that was it. Now they're probably all married with children. I don't know. But, hey, if you like those songs, maybe you should listen to 5 Seconds Of Summer. They were popular too back then."

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