Chapter Twenty-Six

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Liar. I immediately say, right after he said he never knew who my biological father was. Again, he isn't planning on telling me the truth. Again, he's telling only half of the story. Again.

"What? Why?" He's quite good at acting.

Don't act dumb, dad. I know you're lying. I listen carefully for a few short seconds because I think I hear something at the door. I recognise the sound of a glass on the door. I can recognise it out of hundreds of sounds because I've done it so much. Out of the blue, I walk towards the door and open it. Instead of overhearing us, Heather, why don't you join us? I say to her and try not to laugh because of the face she gives me. She hides the glass behind her back and steps into the room with big, confident steps. Where were we? Oh, yeah, of course you know who my biological father is, dad. Why wouldn't you know? Your girlfriend is having a child with some other guy and you're telling me you didn't want to know who he was? You're telling me you would raise a child that isn't actually yours without knowing the story behind it? I want to know who he is.

"You can't always get what you want, darling. I never knew my dad either." Is his lame excuse.

Because he was an agent and he died, am I right? Heather nods, aware of the guilt. This is no excuse. Just because you never knew who your dad was, doesn't mean you should steal my right to know mine. I know you know who he is. And I don't like you hiding it from me. I really try not to get too angry at him because I am becoming a bit impatient.

"I'm not hiding anything. You can have your file if you want."

My file? You keep a file of me? What are we in the FBI or something? What did you want to achieve with keeping a file of me? Realizing you were wrong all along?

"It was not my choice, okay?" He defended himself.

Sure, put the blame on mom.

"We both made the decision to raise you up as my child. And you still are, remember that. Where was your biological father when you took your first steps or your first day at school? Was he here? I don't think he was around. Willow, you are still my daughter."

I'm beginning to think that's not true anymore. If I could, I would have mumbled it.

"Young lady, that's enough! I can stand a lot, but enough is enough. Since the moment you came home without permission, you've been like this! Always rude and pessimistic! Always thinking I'm the bad guy! I'm still your dad, whatever happens! Maybe you should change your point of view sometimes!" That's what Heather told me...

I thought we weren't going to yell, but if you want to play it like that... Dad, I will find out who my biological father is. You have two choices: either you tell me the whole truth or I'm going to figure it out myself. I wait for his answer while he 'thinks about it', but soon I realise there's no chance in the world he will tell me. Okay. I show with my hands and turn around.

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