Chapter Thirty-Three

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As promised, I find the documents in a cardboard box in front of my door the next day. I almost stumbled over them when I was about to get breakfast. So, I shove them inside quickly and rush to the cafeteria. I see a lot of agents running around and it feels like a cafeteria in a school. And I'm the new kid. I scan the room, searching for people I might know or people my age. I won't find them easily because I'm only seventeen. The table with the youngest looking people, I skip it. Agent Talin, or whatever his name was, is eating there with his friends. So, I continue looking, hoping I'll find Heather. But I get disappointed. Nobody. So, I pick out a lonely table in the corner of the room and I eat as quickly as possible.

When I get back, I shove the box with files close to the desk and check the dates on the folders. I take the oldest one out of the box, open it and start reading:

Merel Marleen Johanna Cornelia Tanghe, born in Courtrai, Belgium, on the fifteenth of January 1992.

She would have turned 40 this month. She was a young mother: 22 when she discovered she was pregnant, 23 when she gave birth. It was... unexpected. But I knew that so I continue reading.

Three sisters and both parents are still alive and safe. Moved to London in 2013. 6 months later, in August 2013, enrolled in New York CIA headquarters. See file number 85B36PQ. Start training: 19/09/2013

There's some other data underneath it, but I can't decode it. I'm not an expert in the CIA's secret language. So that makes the first page of the first file... And the rest of the file. Everything seems normal so I pick out the next file.

Twentieth of April 2014: first case. She received all information about Alejandro Roberto of Visioned. She knows her task for the rest of the mission. Undercover as stylist.

Visioned? What's Visioned? A city? Or is it an organisation? Is it good or bad? Is it part of the CIA or the mafia? An ally or an enemy? I search through all the other documents, but I can't find anything particular. Except for the fact that it gets mentioned like one hundred other times.

So, I decide that I have to ask someone before I can understand the case completely. But who? Ryan is probably too busy, I shouldn't disturb him. Talin? Nope. He's too arrogant and I don't want to know where he is. But I don't know anyone else. I shouldn't disturb Heather either because she's probably even busier that Ryan because of that mission of hers that I can't know anything about. Maybe I can just look it up. I've only seen computers in the computer lab. But agents are working with those computers. I can't just use one when they need it. But maybe someone over there can run a quick search. Only five minutes, right? That nerd-guy, Heather knew him and he will definitely remember me. Maybe he will be so kind to help me.

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