Chapter Five

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For a second, I have to think about what I'll say to my little sister. How should I ask it? I can't just burst through the door and ask her, can I? So, I decide to do it like I did a few minutes ago, with my dad.

Hey, I have a question. I start in sign language.

"Shoot." She says while sitting up. I can't believe she's fourteen and knows more about that particular night than I do.

You know it has been six years, right?

"Right... why?" She asks with the same suspicion as dad.

You know... that dad-thing...

"Really? You seriously still think that dad would do something bad like that? And by the way, I think you would be the first to know because you're the one without a voice because of it."

Then why did you know and I didn't?

"What? Did dad tell you?!" She asks in shock.

I bloody knew it! I really knew you were hiding something! You can see from her face that she said too much. She curses herself. Now you're going to tell me everything you know! She sighs and know she can't hide anything anymore. She said too much, so she begins to tell me the story I should have known for years.

"Seventeen or eighteen years ago, mum just got back from a very long trip and she just started dating dad, when she suddenly noticed that she was pregnant. You, of course. Dad supported her with all he had and that's how their little family expansion started. Boyfriend and girlfriend, and a little baby." Ugh, that's so disgusting to think about. Mum and dad in their early years... "After five years, you were four, mum met some old friends and there was a lot of drama. But it resolved by itself and that's that."

That's it? Dad and mum hooked up after a drunk night, dad made her pregnant and they got together. So what? Is that so difficult to tell me?

"Basically. But Willow, mum and dad were very close, even you know that. Even before mum's trip. Mum had been through a very rough past in Belgium with her parents and like I said, dad supported her in every way that he could. He would never ever hurt her and she would never hurt him. Dad isn't capable of doing stuff like that, is he? You know that. I do suspect that there's more to the story, but dad keeps a lot to himself for me too. Maybe something dark, twisted and dangerous." She confesses.

So, why do you know about this and I don't?

"After you were attacked, I got curious. Dad started telling me some things when you were at school." Are you kidding me? So, he sends me away and tells Gwen everything?

What about the weekends? Lately, I have been thinking a lot that he's not travelling for work anymore. Am I right?

"He was travelling, but not for work. He often goes to Washington... to his mother."

His mother? Our grandmother? Like, our real grandmother? Have you ever...

"Met her? Yes, three times so far. Since I knew he wasn't travelling for work, he invited her here, to London."

But you met her! How is she? What is her name? Do we also have a grandfather?

"One question at the time, sis. She's very nice. Her name is Heather Green. I once went to Washington too. She has a big house, I guess she's really rich. And no, I have never seen a grandfather and she never talks about one either."

Why can't I meet her? Dad's mum has nothing to do with our mum, right?

"I don't know. Dad keeps telling me it's too dangerous."

Why? Why could it possibly be dangerous?

"You don't have a voice? And going to a big city where no one understands you, I don't think that's the best idea." I breathe in and out. In and out. I have to stay calm.

Then what's London? She doesn't say anything and I let it go. Okay, then why the rumours of dad doing something horrible?

"I think you made that terrible thing up yourself because you didn't know what was really going on. A trauma can do some messed up things to your head."

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