Chapter Thirty-Five

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And Anissa Smith is? You're saying her name like it's forbidden.

"Anissa Smith is a snake. You never see her, but she's always listening. We don't even have a picture of her. She knows things that are classified, even in the CIA and only a few people in here know. She even knows things you don't know about yourself. She was the psychologist of Visioned when both brothers were still alive. But she wasn't the psychologist you'd think. It was known that she tortured people for information and even kills them if necessary. But she was also in charge of the recruits and the preparation of the missions. She stimulated the recruits to think that our government is bad and Visioned is good. It's sad to say that she gets every recruit on that path. They believed she was the only one capable of taking over Visioned after the brothers Roberto died."

So the recruits, how does that work? I mean, they can't just take people out of prison, can they? They will notice it when a prisoner is missing.

"Visioned has been shown to recruit soldiers, technician experts, admirals, politicians, hackers, and people on death row. Often however, troubled teens in prison for whatever reason are the main recruit pool to choose from. When recruiting a new person, their death must almost always be faked. Using a complicated mixture of drugs, this can be done. They recruit people on random times so they won't be caught doing it."

And what do they do with all those people when they finish their training?

"Visioned has many ranks and roles. Everyone starts out as a recruit, then graduate to become either a field agent or a guard. Someone who teaches the new recruits... After that, the most talented may become a specialised agent such as a tech, cleaner or guardian." He stops and looks at me. If I read his face correctly, he will see I didn't understand a single thing of what he just said. Like, what's the difference between a cleaner and a guardian? And how does that differ from a tech? So agent Lewis decides to explain it further.

"Recruit is the first stage in being a Visioned agent. In order to graduate, a recruit must undertake usually two tears of training in hand in hand combat, tactics, gun assembly, infiltration, explosives, demolition, technology, engineering, but also language, etiquette, strength, agility and weapon use. Recruits will also undergo many tests while in Visioned. To graduate from recruit to field agent, one must complete a mission, most often a kill-mission. Failure often results into death. Field agent is the most common path for a graduated recruit to follow. It's also the most desired. Field agents are responsible for completing missions all over the world. They can work alone, or they can join an alpha team, a survey team, a strike team or go undercover. There are more people in Visioned than you think."

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