Chapter Forty

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It's a plan. I will take a look if I can ask something to that infiltrated agent. But first things first: breakfast. While I'm eating at my usual table all alone, something happens. Something that I never expected. Agent Talin and his friends come to me and stop in front of the table. He starts a conversation with me. Voluntarily.

"Hi, how are you? It has been a long time, hasn't it?" He says with the necessary charm. He grins like he's planning something and I don't trust him at all. I tilt my head a bit to the left and my eyes meet agent Lewis'. As soon as he realises I saw him, he diverts his eyes.

What do you want? I bluntly ask.

"How rude." Talin says and his friends, except for Lewis, giggle. "We just want to talk to the new girl." He keeps the same grin on his face the whole time.

I've been here for a month now. I'm not new anymore. So what do you want?

"Like I said, we just want to talk to you, get to know you. Mind if we sit here?" Before I can say no, they are already seated with their breakfast in front of them.

Are you sure this doesn't have anything to do with what happened the day I arrived?

"No, of course not! It was just fooling around a bit. How is it going? You know, your... mission." He's really mocking me and he doesn't even try to hide it. But he's fooling around with the wrong girl.

Do you even know what I'm searching for?

"Of course I do. You're searching for your biological father. You believe Visioned has something to do with it." There's something strange in the way he said it. Like he read all my mother's files too. And why would he even say something like that? Because it's true? Or not at all?

Do they? Because you seem to know more about it than you say.

"No, no. Of course not. I just know a lot about Visioned and I know that they would never plan an attack on some stupid boyband. That's the area you're doing research in, isn't it?"

How do you-

"I've been here a lot longer than you have, honey. I'm trained." I feel the fury coming up. I want to slap him and scream it out, but I can't. Instead, I remain calm and don't say anything. One day, I will get my revenge. And I would prefer sooner than later. One day.

So, I changed my daily routine a bit. If I want Talin to be sorry one day, I'll have to up my game and be "trained" too. That's why I took more training sessions and less time to look into my mother's files because I don't get one step further in my investigation anyway. Whatever I do, whatever crazy theory I make up, it's a dead end. That's why I changed my routine again, only a week later. I train non-stop. I don't even look at the case anymore. I wake up, I eat, I train, I eat, I train, I eat, I train and I sleep. That's it. Until Heather knocks on my door.

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