Chapter Sixty-Four

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*Willow Green POV*

"Relationships aren't my business." Mike, my biological father says.

Actually I wanted to talk to somebody about it. It's the truth. I really needed some things off my chest.

"Well, I mean, if you don't feel comfortable telling me, I understand completely."

Talin has a brother. And he doesn't know about it. I read it in his file before I started this mission. I had to know with which people I was dealing with. So I read about his siblings and he doesn't seem to know about it. He said he didn't have any family. No parents, no siblings... Why would the CIA hide that?

"Why haven't you told him?"

Because he would want to go and find him. And I'm afraid that I'll only make things worse. Sooner or later, Visioned will find out and they would both be in danger. Silence falls over us both. I want to say something, but I'm scared to admit it to myself. A single tear leaves a trail over my cheek because deep down, I know what the truth is. I just have to admit it to myself. And I don't want to lose him. It has been so hard keeping this from him. I really care about him and I know he will leave if he knows. And I want to keep him close. I've gotten in so much trouble keeping the truth from people.

"Hey, I don't know if," He wipes away my hair that's hanging in front of my face. "It's too soon to be giving you advise, but I think it's better to tell the truth every time." I look at him. "Always. Even when it hurts." It sounds like something my mum would have said. I hug Mike and let my tears fall. When I pull back, I give him a broken smile and get up to go back to bed.

Goodnight, Mike.

"Sleep tight." He says with a smile and he also returns to his bedroom.

*Dean Peters POV*

I wake up because one of the alarms on my computer is going off. There are a lot of alarms on that thing, so I'm not really worried. I do get out of bed to look what's going on, and to prevent the others from waking up. I take my phone and already turn off the alarm before going upstairs. The computer lab is on the highest floor and is bathing in a red light because of the warning and my eyes have to get used to the overload on light. I throw my phone on the desk and take a seat in front of one of the screens. I click the warning away and type in my password. The terrified face of Inga suddenly fills the screen.

Tais-Toiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें