Chapter Fifty-Five

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Because we don't have another option, we're planning on going to the CIA archives. There just has to be more information there about my biological father. I looked into the CIA's archives, but I didn't find anything. At least, not in the ones in Washington. But the CIA has so many archives. Maybe I was just looking into the wrong one. I have to find more information about everyone on that mission, not just about my mum and Heather. And Visioned's archives, we searched them through the black box. And because there's something on the black box about me, there has to be more about me in the CIA. I have to find it in another CIA archive.

The problem is, we'll have to break in because we went rogue the moment Peters stole that black box. We've broken many of Ryan's rules. Like reporting every decision to him, and we weren't allowed to talk to agent Mestoeva longer than 10 minutes, or talk to her without anyone of her team present... We broke rules and we should face the consequences. Only we aren't. We are planning on leaving the building and searching for another one so the CIA can't find us. Why? Because my team assures me that they want to find my father, whatever the cost.

But one step at a time. First, breaking into the archives. To be honest, I'll be very disappointed if we don't find anything. Or if we find something that's exactly the same as the information on the black box. Because otherwise, I don't know where else to look and I don't see another option but to turn ourselves in.

It has been my idea so I should break into the CIA. Peters has to stay with his computers and Satori and Andrews suddenly had to go to the gym. I have to be happy with Talin as my partner in crime. But maybe that's a good thing because if something goes wrong, he would be my best option to get out alive. He's sharp and makes decisions quickly. He would also break the law to save himself. And since he needs me, he would get me out too. I'm sure he'll do what's necessary.

Of course, it can't be that easy. We can't just walk in when they're probably already searching for us. If we break in, we'll have access to a lot of files. Files we don't need, but contain a lot of information. Regarding the entire world. So we go under a false name, but with a valid ID card.

"Most of this stuff is classified... Thirteen, four-" Here you go. Knock yourselves out." The guard says while patting the box with one hand.

"Thank you." Talin says before I push the guy's face to the rack, knocking him out immediately. Then I pull the box out of the rack. "He's going to have a headache." Talin laughs a bit while putting the files in his backpack at a high speed. I do the same, hoping no one heard the noise and comes looking where it came from.

Better him than me. I say, but we aren't in luck today

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