Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It's a day after New Year's day, the last day Heather will be there. That night, she will fly back to Washington. It's the last time we can train together for a very long time and I want to go all in. I give everything in every beat or kick. Heather is astonished by the force in my legs. Every time I kick, she has to put a step backwards. Still, every duel we do, she wins without any effort. I still have to learn so much, I'm just getting started. Heather already has a lot of experience. I know my reactions aren't as good as hers. She's moving so fast and sometimes she loses me in one of her moves.

After being busy for a while, I'm exhausted and take a seat on the brick wall. The same wall as before. My dad forbade us to train inside, which is pretty understandable. We can break so many things in there.

"You still haven't sorted out things with your dad?" Heather asks me as she joins me.

Nothing has changed. I really want to know everything.

"I could tell you a bit about your mother when she was in the CIA..." She suggests.

That would be very nice. I say friendly, yet excited.

"Well, she looked a lot like you. Very powerful legs." I smile. "She noticed everything and was very quick in every single thing she did." I'm the total opposite of that... "But maybe she wanted everything a bit too perfect. That didn't stop her from being dangerous to every mafia organisation. Her face was on each wanted-poster. She was the woman who was worth most dollars if someone could kill her. I mean, she was the reason that two of the most wanted guys, two mafia bosses, were killed."

And someone got that amount of money... Heather nods sadly.

"They know she had children. You were the oldest so they thought your mother had raised you as this little fighting machine. You were considered a threat. They cancelled you from the list the moment you lost your voice."

How do you even know that? I ask full of unbelief.

"We're the CIA, honey. We have people everywhere."

Do you have someone undercover in there? I'm blown out of my socks. Are they serious? Heather confirms my thought with a single nod. What? Are you serious? That's dangerous! He can be killed if they find out.

"IF they find out." She puts the stress on the first word.

And who will protect him?

"Nobody." She simply says. "It's his own fault his cover got blown." A long silenced follows. That's so cruel. I didn't think the CIA was able to do something like that. It doesn't change my opinion though.

I actually wanted to ask you this thing, but I guess it's not possible anymore...

"What is it? Maybe I can give you a push in the right direction."

I wanted to ask if you could help me find out who my biological father is.

"I don't know how I can help you with that. I've done all that I could."

I know dad won't tell me. He doesn't want to lose me. Is it because I look so much like mum and I remind him of her or because he doesn't want me to be disappointed, I'll never know. He does it to protect me blablabla. But I know for sure that he's afraid. Heather, he might not be my father anymore, but he's the closest thing I have to a father and that I'll ever have. He might not be my father, but he is my dad and nothing can change that. Not even the fact that someone else's DNA runs through my veins. However, I know that I won't sleep until I know. You were my mom's partner in the CIA. It was probably someone she met on one of her missions. Everything I've got leads me back to the CIA and you're the only connection I have with the CIA.

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