Chapter Fifty-One

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I walk towards my room in the HQ. Temporary HQ. I notice that agent Talin is in his room too. Well, you can't quite define it as a room. It's one big area that's divided in five by curtains. It's not ideal, but it will do for some time. As long as everyone respects my privacy. It isn't easy, though, because when it's getting dark outside and you want to put on your pyjamas, you can always see a silhouette because of the bedside lamp. It's like you're doing a show while changing.

I jump on my bed and take my mother's yellow notebook out of the bedside table drawer. I retrieved it from the box of documents in the CIA. Heather told me that my mom used to have it with her whenever she was away longer than a day. She wrote quotes and song lyrics in it. Sometimes English, sometimes French and sometimes Dutch, her native language. It had been a while since I had seen Dutch, and my Dutch is a bit rusty, but I still recognise some words.

"What's that?" Agent Talin asks after opening the curtain. I put the notebook on my knees so I'm able to answer him. That's the biggest disadvantage of sign language. You need your hands and you can't do anything while answering.

Something of my mother's. It's just a notebook.

"I can see that it's not just a notebook, Willow." I roll my eyes. Why can't he just accept that it's a notebook? I don't want to share what it actually is. He'll think I'm crazy. Crazier than he already assumes. And if something worth mentioning was in it, I would have already mentioned it. "It seems precious." He continues.

Why are you suddenly so nice to me? I ask cautiously.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot."

You said that last time. I remind him of the time in the cafeteria.

"I was a jerk, okay? It's just what boys do when they're among friends. They want to be the best and the strongest and the most popular one."

And the most rude? I add.

"Maybe, yes." He lifts his eyes and watches me while I try not to react. "Okay, what I did was wrong and I apologise. I was horrible to you. You showed me you can help yourself pretty well and I think you're kind of cool too."


"You know..." He appears nervous, something I didn't expect from him. He always seemed so cold and emotionless, like he never cares about anyone but himself. Could I be wrong? "I have to admit that your hacking skills are amazing and you're really determined. You know what you want and you won't back down until you have it. While I have no idea what I'm doing with my life." He confesses.

But you have fighting skills I can only dream for. Your reflexes are perfect. He gives me a little smile that's so rare with him. I guess we both have our strengths and our weaknesses. I smile, but I don't look at him.

"Yeah, I guess we have." He sighs relieved.

I'm sorry too, by the way. I shouldn't have hit you. And you know... attacked you.

"You are forgiven." He says so formal that it makes me laugh.

Maybe this team will work out. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses and what one lacks, the other complements. You are young and energetic. Andrews has a background with Visioned and he looks tough even though we all know he's a baby on the inside. Peters has also been inside Visioned and he's a genius with a computer. He loves what he does and he does what he loves. I believe he's actually very happy he's finally part of a team, how crappy it might be. And Satori is a mastermind in human thinking. She's hard as ice, but a sweetheart when she melts. It's quiet for a moment.

"And you just figure everything out. You're the brain behind everything and you surprise everyone whenever you want with something we would've never guessed."

Okay, now, let's go upstairs before you get too slimy. I smile. With a deep sigh, he lifts himself up and together, we go upstairs. When we arrive in the meeting room, everyone is staring.

"Where do you two come from?" Andrews wonders.

"Downstairs." Talin replies.

"Oh, downstairs." Peters says meaningfully. Oh, gross!

Keep dreaming, Peters. You're looking way too far. He's not exactly my type. I lie. He's exactly my type.

"Auch! Talin, you've just been friendzoned, bro!" Peters yells.

"Peters, please. You think I'd go out with a mute girl?" And the old Talin is back: rude and arrogant. I knew it was too good to be true.

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