Commit. (Alternate Proposal)

Beginne am Anfang

I twisted the knob and walked inside, tossing my gym bag on the floor and throwing my keys on the table. I'm exhausted as fuck. I'm thinking about canceling honestly. But he'll be pissed off as fuck. Nevermind. Don't want my baby mad today. I walked into the kitchen while unzipping my jacket and walked straight into a surprise.

I couldn't help but to immediately smile and basically run to it

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

I couldn't help but to immediately smile and basically run to it. This is too fucking cute!! A little card hid underneath one of the balloons and of course, I have to read it. I picked it up and looked at the balloons, in awe still. These are beautiful. Awwwwww he loves me. I flipped opened the card and read it out loud.

To my bottom bitch, Livi.
I know you hate when I call you that, so that's what I'll call you.
Anyways, you already know all this boring shit about me loving you, blah blah blah but tonight I wanna show you that I appreciate you as well. So we're going out on a nice outing tonight. I want you in something that's going to make my dick hard off rip so that shouldn't be hard, shit I get hard when you in a shirt and some jeans. Make sure it's comfortable as well because you'll be doing a lot of walking. You're going to go around the city and look for the notes I've hidden. It's only three *me smiling* the first one is in the park downtown. I love you and I can't wait to see you at 7:00PM. I'm stirring that macaroni tonight. ;)

"Mannnnnn." I shook my head and laughed to myself. He gets on my nerves. I looked at the clock in the wall and it was 5:58PM. I need to hurry up what the fuck!? I rushed upstairs and tore my room apart, looking for something that fit the criteria and I think found the perfect fit. Rushed in the shower, good thing I don't have to do anything extra with my hair. Just swooped my edges and put some shine custard in it.

My outfit consisted of a simple white v neck shirt with blue ripped jeans, brown knee high boots that tied in the back and a long white sweater cardigan that stopped at my knees. I spiced it up with some hoops and a heart necklace along with my other lockers that have never left my neck. I sprayed on his favorite perfume of mine and applied a layer of lip gloss that had glitter in it. I checked myself in the mirror. I would say, I'd fuck. Casual yet comfortable yet sexy, at least in my opinion. About time I was finished it was 6:44 and I know I'll be late. I shot him a quick text before taking off towards the park he said in the note.

There wasn't anyone around and I was kinda confused. Where would he hide it? I looked under the bench, near a tear and near the trash can....he would do something extra. I looked around myself a thousand times before I seen something hanging from the branch of the tree. Who the fuck he think I am? Spider-Man? I sucked my teeth and walked over to the tree. I haven't climbed a tree since elementary school. I'm too old. I pulled my sleeves up and jumped up a couple times before catching on to the branch and pulled myself up slowly. Damn, hold on! The wind began to blow so the note blew in the opposite direction of me. It was tied to the branch with a thin string. I swear he make shit more complicated than it gotta be.

I eventually caught the note and tore it off the string before jumping down. I dusted my hands off on my jeans and opened the note, frowning.

I know you pissed off LMFAO. roses are red, violets are blue, I wanna put my seed in you. Yes, yes I am while writing this. As fuck too but anyways! I didn't feel like doing two more of these so I'll just tell you where to meet me. It's a trail leading into the trees in this part (You won't get kidnapped, I promise). If you follow the trail, you'll be following your heart.

PersistenceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt