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"Taehyung don't do this! Taehyung please!" Namjoon screams as he's forced into the large coffin next to Jin. "Taehyung I'll do anything, Taehyung please."

Tears are streaming down the koala's face as he fights the man for dear life, desperation clear in his eyes. "Taehyung, Jin wouldn't want this."

Taehyung looks bored with what's going on.

He's softly patting the bunny's hair.

Jungkook looks up at him with teary eyes, confused to what's happening.

"TaeTae? Why is Joonie yelling?" The bunny asks his voice shaking in distress.

"Because Joonie really misses Jin." The wolf coldly says not even looking at the hybrid besides him as he stares the koala down.

It takes the men a while but finally they get him in coffin and manage to nail it shut just in time.

There's small holes so he can breath, until he'll be covered in dirt. Loud bangs fill the room with the koala's cries.

"Taehyung please! Taehyung it isn't my fault he loved me!" The screams through the wood and the sound of desperate clawing make the wolf smirk.

"Let's get this started." He says getting up to look at a Hoseok. Yoongi, Chaelin and HyeYeong are stood in silence.

The coffin is outside next to a large grave where only the hybrids, and Taehyung's men are to say goodbye.

Taehyung takes a stand at the end of the grave with a sigh, ignoring the koala's wails that pierce through the air.

"My brother was a powerful man." He says staring at the coffin. "But his heart got in the way. I will remember my brother as the asshole he was, because remembering as something else wouldn't be remembering my brother. So here by, Jin, if you're with us, you'll be missed."

With those words he nods at his men who with at least eight of them start lowering the coffin by strong ropes.

Yoongi cries, Chaelin is silent, and Bunny is sniffling flowers on a grave next to Jin's.

Taehyung however feels odd, he doesn't want to feel sad. He doesn't want to feel anything.

Today only proves where loving someone gets you. He might have doubted it before but now he knows for sure. He doesn't love the bunny, he doesn't like the bunny, he doesn't care for the bunny.

"Taehyung please!" The koala's voice is hoarse from all the screaming but Taehyung shakes his head a little. As if the hybrid could see such a movement.

He looks up at his man in the small excavator.

"Burry them." He demands.

Namjoon's cries get impossibly louder making the bunny cry out in distress as well, grabbing on to Taehyung in fear.

Taehyung allows it as he stares at the coffin being covered in dirt.

Everything inside him is burning, screaming at him to cry, sob, care. It's his brother, his only family left and now he's alone and he'll always be alone.

Part of him wants to cry, fall to his knees and beg the gods above for his brother back, but he won't, because the gods are cruel.

They make you fall in love.

Once the grave is covered he snaps out of his daze, ripping himself away from the bunny before storming off.

His eyes burning with tears as he fights the feelings but he's never been good at it. Jin was always the cold one, Jin was the strong one, Jin was his big brother. Jin was in charge and if he cried, Jin was there.

And now. Now he's supposed to be Jin, and god knows he doesn't have it in him.

He screams out, dropping himself onto a bench, hands clenched in his hair as he takes deep breaths.

Jumping when he feels a hand on his arm.

"TaeTae?" The bunny's eyes are wide and filled with worry as he looks up at him. "Bunny can make TaeTae feel good."

Taehyung grins, lashing out, punching the bunny scare in the jaw. The hybrid cries out in pain but the wolf doesn't care. He simply grins when he immediately feels better, less sad, more powerful.

Crouching down next to the crying younger he sighs.

"Of course you'll make me feel good, that's what I bought you for." He spits lifting the bunny a little higher.


He punches the hybrids again, dropping the bunny on the ground with no remorse.

"Call me master."


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