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"How could you?" Chaelin asks eyes filled with betrayal while looking at her master.

Hoseok sighs shaking his head a little. "I don't have a choice Chaelin." The dog sighs while running a hand through his hair.

"You always have a choice, they are horrible people, they treated me like shit and you think that's okay?!" Chaelin yells staring at him in disbelief while Yoongi silently stares at the floor.

"I don't think that's okay! In fact if I could I would murder Jin if I could but I can't and you need to understand that!" He yells back, voice filled with frustration.

"All I understand is that I care more about your job than me." She turns to Yoongi. "Us." She corrects.

"That isn't true, but I'm their right hand man, I know almost everything they know and if I even think about quitting your head is the first they'll place a bullet in!" He yells too loud and too aggressive.

But Chaelin isn't afraid. Unlike the Kim brother's she know's her master would never actually hurt her.

"Then we run! I'm not afraid." She bravely says but her master shakes her head.

"This is not a matter of bravery, this business and when I chose this lifestyle I knew the consequences." He says only making her more mad.

"I didn't choose this lifestyle!"

"Then after six and a half more years you can pack up and leave!" He yells and the room falls dead silent.

"What?" Chaelin asks.

"You're bought, the law states that any bought hybrid is free to leave after seven years. It's one of the few laws protecting hybrids, many owners fail to mention this to their hybrids keeping them their whole life's, other's force them to sign a second contract. But the law isn't too well known by hybrids." Hoseok explains looking at the lion standing in the room.

"Were you ever planning on telling me this?" She asks.

He sighs. "I was, at the right time. You know me I'm not—"

"Well I'm starting to think you are." She says.

"Then pack up and go." He coldly says. "I don't need a hybrid hating me and fearing me, I'm not Jin, not Taehyung, I'll never be."

The glare at each other when suddenly Yoongi speaks up.

"Jin and Taehyung aren't too bad." He whisper's making both head's snap into his direction.

"Have you lost it?!" Chaelin asks sounding a little too defensive.

Yoongi flinches at her tone and quickly looks down again.

"Please Yoongi, feel free to elaborate." Hoseok reassures.

"I was at a very young age sold and used. My seven years were long over but people in the lower gang ranks don't care. Nobody is watching them, so everyday I was used and beat until I could barely remember my own name." Yoongi says looking at neither of the two on the room. "One day their gang came crashing in and killed everyone there, they took all the hybrids that we're locked inside and brought them to homes, but not me." Yoongi shyly smiles as he remembers the day.

"Jin came in that day, I was the weakest of the bunch but I wasn't afraid. He told me he respected that and called in his brother, they decided to trust me and gave me a life. Besides the fact that I could've ruined theirs, they chose to trust me. They gave me a place to live, my bakery and assured safety. They saved not only my life but many others. That's why no matter what, I'll always believe that at heart they're good people." Yoongi finishes up finally brave enough to look up at his housemates.

"Wow." Chaelin says. "But they beat Jungkook.

Yoongi shrugs. "Their ways are cold and harsh but it's the only way they know how. It's the only way you'd know how if instead of toy cars you got bullets and knifes."

The room is silent again and Chaelin sighs before nodding her head. "Fine, but you'll never leave me alone with either of then again."

Hoseok nods his head. "I promise."

A loud ding on his computer interrupts their conversation from continuing when he looks down seeing an email from Jin's personal account.

"What?" He munbles before opening it. His eyes widening in confusion as he stares at the screen.

Chaelin and Yoongi make their way over in curiosity, Hoseok doesn't stop him. He's pretty sure last time he talked to Namjoon the man couldn't wait to have finished his seven years and get a taste of freedom...

Yoongi speaks up in disbelief.

"Joon and Jin are getting married?"


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