Chapter Twenty-Five | Hester House, July 2005

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Hester House, July 2005


                          A blur of turquoise hair was all that could be seen of seven year old Teddy Lupin as he raced up the front steps to embrace his Aunt of sorts, holding a two week old and tightly swaddled baby.

"Where is he?" asked Teddy, jumping up and down. "Wait, no - can I see her? Can I?"

Amara sat on the porch steps and held the baby higher. "What do you think, Ted?"

Teddy scrunched up his nose. "Needs her nappie changed."

Andromeda Tonks came up and laughed, her older body moving slowly through the sluggish heat. "How is the dearie, Amara?"

"She's an angel, just like Ella was. Easy, quiet as can be."

"And you, how are you holding up?"

"I'm doing...really well, actually." Amara told the truth. She was feeling really well, the flames of anxiety and depression just licking at her consciousness.

"And Hester, what a pretty name. Did you choose it?"

Amara nodded. "Andrew was insistent. It's his grandmothers maiden name, but it's always been a favourite of mine."

Teddy tugged on his aunt's sleeve. "Can I go now?"

"Go on Teddy, I'll have a chat with Amara and visit with the baby."

"Grandma, you're not supposed to stay!" pouted Teddy. "I get to stay the night, remember?"

Andromeda chuckled. "Yes honey, I remember. I'll be gone before you know it."

Teddy said goodbye to baby Hester and ran into the house, rushing up the stairs and down hallways that never seemed exactly the same. Watercolours he knew had been done by Andrew's mother were on many of the walls, their green grasses blowing, and smoke drifting from the Burrow's chimney.

Coming to a door slightly ajar, he peeked inside; Teddy's godfather was hunched over his desk, blonde curls falling over his face as he concentrated on the star charts spread over the wood surface.

Hair changing to the same shade of blonde, eyes going from brown to blue, he nudged the door open. "Andrew?"

Andrew jumped up, a smile ready and waiting for his godson. "Ted! Did you meet Hester?" speaking of his new daughter made Andrew's eyes light up, and jealousy burned in Teddy's heart briefly. But then he remembered what his Grandma had told him when Ella was born.

"Your godfather has waited a very long time for a baby," she'd said, smoothing down his hair. They had been about to go see the new baby, and Teddy had complained that he didn't want to share his Godfather with another kid. "He loves you very much, and always will - and you will love this baby, I promise."

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