Chapter Forty-Two | St. Mungos, October 2014

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Chapter Forty-Two

St. Mungos, October 2014

The Hufflepuff Boys dorm was quiet with the night noises, cozy and safe; until Teddy shook Max awake.

"Wha -?" Max mumbled, bleary eyed and annoyed.

"Max." whispered Teddy urgently. "We gotta go."

"W'as happening?" he asked sleepily as Teddy threw his robe at him.

"McGonagall sent a house elf for you. Something's happened." He gulped. "It's your Dad."

Max was immediately awake. This was not a time of war; students were no longer woken up in the middle of the night to be told of their families' deaths, no one died unexpectedly. It was peaceful for witches and wizards now.

"Is he okay?"

Teddy's eyes were wide, scared. "I don't know." He grabbed Max's hand, safe in the darkness; no one could see. "They said I could take you up."

The boys donned their robes and left the dorm, holding hands as they moved quickly through the halls. Max could hear his heart in his ears and the feeling of Teddy's hand in his grounded him; first his Mum leaves, now this.

Lit by moonlight and their wands they made their way, glancing at each other; outside the moon hung low over the Black Lake, glinting off its frosty surface. They reached the stone gargoyle that was the entrance to the headmistress' office and Teddy stopped. "I can't go up."

"Please Ted -"

Teddy didn't let him finish; he didn't care that there were paintings everywhere or that they were right outside the headmistress' office. Max shook in Teddy's arms as they kissed, his mind slowing. As long as Teddy was behind him he would be okay.

When Teddy finally pulled away he leaned his forehead against Max's, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. "I'll wait right here." His voice held promise.

Max didn't want to let go, didn't want to move from this spot of warmth and safety. "What if -?"

"Everything will be fine." Teddy stroked the back of Max's neck, where his hand lay gently, and promising safety. "See you soon." He kissed Max quickly then pushed him softly towards the steps, the ghostly tingle of his fingertips giving Max courage to go forward.

"Max." Andrew Bowen sighed in relief when he saw his nephew, taking him in a comforting hug.

"What happened to Dad?"

"He was injured, at work." Andrew said, hand resting on Max's shoulder. "A dragon, it got sick; it was completely out of control."

"When can we -?"

"Right now."

McGonagall nodded. "Do not worry of school Maxwell, I'm sure Mr. Lupin will keep an eye out for anything very important. I'll have him gather some clothes for you so you can leave right away."

"Thank you Headmistress." Max said, and meant it. He couldn't wait another minute to go, to see his Dad.

"Let's go." Andrew stepped into the fireplace, shouting "St. Mungos Hospital!" clearly. Max did the same and soon they where running down the pristine halls of the hospital, Max still in his slippers and robe.

"Mr. Bowen." A healer stopped them before they entered the room. "Is this Mr. Weasley's son?"

"I am." Max piped up, stepping forward.

The healer looked sympathetic. "I must warn you, he is in a lot of pain. He's barely conscious."

"I just want to see him."

"Very well." The healer opened the door and let them in; Max headed straight for the bed in the dim room. Lying on top of the sheets was Charlie, torso, left leg and arm and neck completely bandaged.

"Dad?" Max whispered, sitting gingerly in the chair beside the bed.

A low moan came from Charlie's parched lips. "Max." he said, voice hollow.

"Does it hurt to talk?"

"Only a little." Lied Charlie.

"Don't then." Max's fingers inched towards his fathers. "Can I hold your hand?"

Charlie tried to nod his head, but let out a sharp gasp of pain. "Yes."

Holding his father's hand gently, Max tried to ignore the salty tears dripping down his face and plopping onto the sheets. "I missed you." He said, voice hanging in the darkness.

", too."

"I'm sorry you're all alone at home." Max managed to choke out. The words he'd struggled to say for almost two years. "I wish you weren't."

Charlie fluttered his fingers in what was supposed to be a reassuring squeeze. "I won' forever." He breathed with difficulty but he managed to get the words out. "She...will come...home...someday."

Max's throat hurt with the effort not to cry. "How do you know?"

"I...know." Charlie reassured him. "She loves...loves us...she always comes back."

In the darkness, from his cot that a healer had set up, Max slept fitfully. A few feet away lay Charlie, and between his lashes Max watched a small figure hover over the bed, heaps of dark curls tucked behind ears.

He wanted to say something, but sleep was tugging him away; the figure came over to him briefly. Max fell asleep with the feeling of lips kissing his forehead, just as his mother had every night of his life.

A/N: Poor Charlie! Burned and alone...poor man. And that snog between Teddy and Max! Such cuties.

Question: Do you think Max dreamt Sonia, or was she really there, checking in on her boys?


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