Chapter Seventy | Montrose Scotland, April 2021

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Chapter Seventy 

Montrose Scotland, April 2021

Ella had fallen in love with Montrose again.

This was thanks to Forrest, who guided her through the town gently as if she had never seen it. Between the windy beaches, lively cafes and sloping streets, Live Again Books was by far Ella's favourite place. With it's high ceilings spanning two stories, the loft with its chairs that enveloped you. The innumerable books whispered their stories through dreams when you dozed off, as Ella was prone to do after a long practice.

Forrest's favourite place was wherever Ella was. If she dragged him to a pub with music and dancing, he would dance. If they took his mythical wolfhound, Magnus, to the beach on the windiest day of the week – he wouldn't complain.

Spring inched into Scotland slowly, and as the weather became a little milder Ella felt as if she were shedding the last few dark months. Forrest could tell she was keeping something from him, and he was not about to pry. He knew she had had a clean but painful breakup in January with a member of her team, but there was obviously something weighing on her.

It was one of those days where winter seemed to have returned, and Ella was curled in a marshmallow chair. Magnus rested on the floor, waiting for her feet to descend so he could lick them. A book was abandoned in her lap, and her gaze flitted between raindrops.

"Hey." Forrest appeared from the spiral staircase, precariously holding two mugs of steaming tea.

Ella waved briefly, chin resting in her arms. "Hi."

Sitting on the floor against the railings, he studied her pensive state. Her mouth was puckered, and there were tear tracks on her cheeks. "You've been crying."

It wasn't a question, so Ella didn't bother answering.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Sliding to the floor, Ella stroked Magnus' wiry fur as he lay his head in her lap. "I'm not ashamed." She started, not looking at him. "I want you to know that before anything else."


"I got an abortion in January." She glanced up, looking for something in his face – but there was only kindness and warmth. "It was Jonathan's, and that's sort of why we broke up."

"I'm glad you're not ashamed," said Forrest, holding his mug. This news did not shock him, he was a modern young man; he tried to picture Ella with a baby. He couldn't.

"And I don't regret it." added Ella, scootching closer.

Forrest watched her curls fall over one shoulder as she leaned to kiss Magnus' nose. "Something is bothering you though."

"You know me pretty well I guess."

He shrugged. "I like to think so."

"It's the...secret of it, you know?" her breathe heaved from deep within, and her hands shook. "I wish I could tell my Pa and Ma – but it scares me. It scares me a lot, Forrest."

"Do you think they would care?"

"Probably not."

"Then why don't you?"

Ella was about to speak, but the words caught in her throat. "I...I don't know."

They sat in silence for a few moments, Magnus snuffling at their knees. Forrest took one of her hands in his, tracing the calluses from holding her broom. "We don't have to talk about this ever again if you don't want to, just let me know."

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