Chapter One | Godric's Hollow, May 1998

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Chapter One

Godric’s Hollow, May 1998


            It was raining the day Hazel Bowen was buried.

Somehow, she had always imagined it would be winter – of course she never told anyone that, just thought it quietly in passing. There would be fresh snow, and you wouldn’t even see the fresh earth, or the footprints left by those who attended.

Andrew had awoken that morning in his new apartment. Amara said they could wait a few months, until the funeral was over – but Andrew didn’t want to wait. He wanted to get out of Hester House, away from the memories that awaited around every corner. He could practically hear Hazel’s footsteps the first night he stayed there after the battle – he couldn’t stand another second.

The apartment was small, with two bedrooms – well, more like one and a half. “It can be your office.” Amara had said “I know you’ll be bringing home all sorts of paperwork from work, and when you can’t stand me you can hole up in here.”

He had laughed, but the small room was suffocating him.

He had woken up crying.

“I don’t want to go.” He sobbed into her hair, cinnamon curls tickling his nose. “I don’t want to see her in the ground – I can’t – I can’t see her –”

Amara had held him as tightly as she could with her thin arms, but Andrew couldn’t help but think of how small his mother had been, how her bird like bones had always felt the safest wrapped around him – and never would again.

In the countryside Sonia woke to feeling nauseous. She hadn’t been for quite a while, and as Charlie held her hair away from her face he rubbed her back and soothed her.

“You’re going to be such a good Dad.” She sobbed, accepting a tea towel and a toothbrush from him.

He chuckled “Thanks love, and you know you’ll make a very good Mum, too, yeah?”

She let out a noise that sounded half sob, half laugh and crawled back into bed. It was early yet, the sun hadn’t even risen, and she fell back into a fitful sleep with Charlie’s scared arms around her.

It was midday when the twins met at the gate in Godric’s Hollow, their partners behind them.

“Hey.” Andrew said, tugging at his collar.

“Hi.” Sonia said, looking uncomfortable in the odd humidity.

Their black umbrellas collided when they hugged, Sonia’s black gloves slipping on his suit jacket.

“I missed you.” She whispered into his chest, and he shuddered.

“I missed you, too. I’m sorry I haven’t been by, but –”

“Don’t apologize,” she begged “It’s only been a week, and with the apartment…I understand.”

“Shall we?” he asked quietly, offering her his arm.

Nodding, Sonia held on tight and gave Charlie a backwards glance.

“Go on.” He said “I’m right here.”

And so the twins entered the graveyard, arm in arm – together.

           It was still raining when the service was over, the casket lowered and the dirt thrown. The parade of black umbrellas began to leave, but one pushed through.

“Sonia, Andrew!” Harry Potter called ahead, and the twins turned.

“Hullo Harry,” Andrew said, and they shook hands. It was awkward, neither were used to such an adult way of greeting.

“I just wanted to say…well, I’m really sorry.” He pushed his glasses up, smiling nervously “Hazel was good to me, she truly – she helped me a lot.”

Andrew tightened the arm around his sisters shoulder “Thank you Harry, I’m sure she would be happy to know that.”

“And Sonia, Charlie –” shuffling in place, he looked behind him to where Ron and Hermione stood under their own umbrella. Hermione nodded at him. “I’m sorry I missed the wedding.”

Sonia smiled tiredly “You were preoccupied, we understand.”

“And congratulations – on the baby.”

Charlie took Sonia’s hand “Thank you Harry. I hope you’ll come to the shower?”

“Er, yeah – sure. I’d like that.”

Harry waited for Ron and Hermione to reach him before looking at the Bowen twins again. “I don’t ever know what to say.” He mumbled, pushing his glasses up again.

“It’s fine Harry, really – they’re suffering, that’s all.” Hermione said softly “You’ll all be friends again in a while.”

“Yeah mate, it’ll all work out.” Said Ron “And Sonia’s having a baby! That’s sure to cheer her up, right?”

Harry Potter followed Sonia and Andrew out, leaving the final resting place of Hazel, lying right beside Lily.

A/N: And off we go! The first chapter is up, I do hope you liked it! Hopefully I'll have another out on wednesday, after my exams finish. 

Question: What do you think lies in store for the Bowen twins now?


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