Chapter Forty-Nine | Amsterdam, December 2016

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Chapter Forty-Nine

Amsterdam, December 2016

            Max had his eyes closed, breathing deeply. He could do this.

"Hey, get outta the road!"

Eyes open. Someone on a bicycle had almost hit him. It was snowing, and they were riding a bicycle.

Getting out of the street, Max stood in front of a tall door and knocked. He could do this. Footsteps were heard, someone was talking; it was a familiar voice. He had not heard that voice in four years.

"Hullo – oh." Sonia stood in front of him, older and sadder somehow than before. "Max...hi."

"Hi, Ma." His throat was tight, painful; the words hurt to speak. "Um, Merry Christmas." He held out a tin, hands shaking.

"Would you like to come in?" she asked hesitantly, opening the door wider. Two cats peeked their heads out from between her legs. She pushed them back with her foot. It was such a familiar gesture; she had done the same with their cats.

"Yeah, okay." Stepping into the cramped entryway, he took off his shoes and hung up his coat. She led him through a little sitting room into an even smaller kitchen. She put on the kettle, got out two cups.

It was surreal, watching her do such normal things. Actions she had done the morning she left them, Max thought. She looked so different; her hair was shorter, she seemed thin and a pair of glasses sat on top of her head.


She barely turned, eyes on the ground. "Yes?"

"I missed you." Max choked out, standing awkward and too tall in the doorway.

"Oh, Max." her lower lip trembled – their shared tell, she was going to cry. "I missed you so much."

"Ma..." Max stepped forward swiftly, taking his tiny mother in his arms. She trembled, tears soaking his jumper. "Please come home." He whispered. "Dad misses you, I miss you. Uncle Andy...he really wants you home again."

Sonia pulled away a little, whipping her eyes. "Let's sit down." she suggested. Knees touching, holding hands, they sat at the tiny table together; mother and son. "Tell me about your cousins, I think of them often."

So Max told her about home, about Hester House. Ella was on the Quidditch team, the star of the school. She already had scouts who knew her entire history. Hester had started Hogwarts and was doing very well. She still loved to read, just like her father. At seven years old Robin had begun to attend a small class of witches and wizards in the area. Maeve was as sweet and cuddly as ever.

Sonia asked of her sister-in-law, who she loved dearly. Max told her stories if her art and history classes that she taught in the village, how she loved being a teacher.

"And Andrew. How is he?" She glanced at a photo on the windowsill; Andrew, eighteen or so with a book in his hands and a smile.

"He's good, doing research from home and looking after Maeve and Robin." Max waited, knowing what her next question would be.

"Charlie. How is Charlie." Sonia whispered his name.

"Good," Max said slowly. "He's working on a new training program for the students, started teaching. He goes to Hogwarts and helps Hagrid sometimes." Pausing, Max saw Sonia's lip tremble again. "He misses you – a lot. I think he's lonely."

"I never meant to hurt him." Sonia stared out the window. It was snowing. "He was always kind to me, you know.'re just like him. I know that you will be a better partner to Teddy than I was to your father."

"You know about Teddy?" he blurted.

"Molly owled me." She shrugged. "Of course we all knew, Max. We wanted you to feel comfortable with it first, so we never said anything. We...we loved you for your character and your smarts. Not who you fall in love with."

Max swallowed with effort. "Teddy moved in last week."

"Good. I never really got to have these experiences you know, I'm so happy you are." She sighed.

"Ma...please. Come home." He begged again.

Sonia stood up, hands shaking. "I'm not ready, Max. Stop – stop pressuring me."

"When will you understand we're never ready for anything?" Max accused, jumping up. He felt his ears grow hot with anger. "Ma, I know you lost your youth because of me, but you're not going to find it wandering the world alone. You belong at home, with Dad. You deserve to be happy."

"What do you mean by that?" she spat. "I was happy."

"You were never happy." Max cried. "All my life I would find you crying, staring into space – you didn't want to be there. You did it for me and I appreciate it, but this isn't what you need. By living at home in one spot it doesn't make you Hazel, Ma."

Sonia spun around, hand out – the crack of her fingers across Max's cheek rung in the air.

She gasped, Max was silent.

"Merlin. Oh no." her hands trembled over his face. "Max – I didn't mean that, I'm sorry – oh honey I'm sorry."

Max stood still a second longer, then walked out. He grabbed his jacket and his shoes and left, not even putting them on. Sonia ran after him into the street, now slippery with snow.

"Max!" she yelled, tears freezing on her cheek. "MAX – PLEASE!"

Sonia stood in the street, watching her son disappear into the snow and cursing herself over and over until she couldn't feel her own heartache from the cold. 

A/N: Aw, poor Sonia and Max :(

They are finally reunited and this happens...

Question: Will Max come back? Will Sonia come home?


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