Chapter Eight | Godric's Hollow, December 1998

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Chapter Eight

Godric’s Hollow, December 1998


                Snow crunched beneath Sonia’s feet as she walked the last road in Godric’s hollow, glancing down every now and then to check on Max, bundled safely in his pram. He gurgled happily; cozy with the warming spell Sonia had put on the blankets.

“Almost there honey,” she cooed, coming to the last house. It was long, it’s front wide and white, almost blending in with the wholly sky, it’s green trim standing out through the flakes.

Opening the gate, Sonia ran her thumb over the engravings, stopping suddenly as she noticed her mother’s unmistakable handwriting.

I promise.


Head jerking up, she saw Harry standing in the open doorway.

“Hullo Harry.”

“You all right?” he asked, so still Sonia wondered if he’d frozen.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Giving the pram a good push, she reached the door. “Mind taking him?”

Harry gave Max a perplexed look “Er, yeah. Sure.”

Carefully taking Max out and handing him to Harry, Sonia shrunk the pram with a wave of her wand. “So.” She said, standing awkwardly in the front hall.

“So.” Harry shuffled his feet uncomfortable and bounced Max “Oh, here –”

“Would you like to hold onto him? He looks pretty pleased.”

It was true. Max seemed pretty happy in Harry’s arms, showing off his gummy smile and waving around his arms.

“Okay. Uh, want to see the house?”

“Yeah, I’d love that.”

Harry led them through the house, showing her first the living and dining room, then the kitchen and the two studies on opposite sides of the house. “The walls are rounded, see?” he said, pointing to the semi-circle of windows overlooking one side of the snowy yard.

“Very nice.”

“This was what my Dad and Sirius used as their office.” He told her “I found all sorts of stuff in the drawers, all over the desk. It was quite a mess really.”

“Was it hard to clean up?” she asked as they climbed the kitchen stairs, narrow and steep.

“Not really. Ron and Hermione helped a lot, so did George. It took his mind off – well, you know.”

“Unfortunately I do.” They walked down the long hall, rooms on either side. “This place is massive, huh?”

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