Chapter 11 Snapes visit to the hospital wing

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Severus wandered down the corridor. He went inside the hospital wing and saw Potter lying on the bed, he went over to him and asked "What has Potter done now?" Pomfrey replied "From my understanding he was with Madam Pince and Minister Fudge, I believe they did something and Harry here ended up having an adult size headache." Snape was confused and concerned, he thought how can a fifteen year old boy have an adult headache it's impossible. Then Snape waved his wand and saw that Potter was in fact having an adult size headache. Madam Pince arrived and said Professor Snape what a lovely surprise." Snape asked "How did Potter get this headache?" Pince replied "It's because of his disability, parts of his life he'll experience things a normal wizard wouldn't experience."  Snape said "Well he won't pass Potions for his Owls at this rate." Pince said "For your information Professor he's done his practice Owls for Potion and got an Outstanding from Fudge, that's why he visited us to congratulate Harry for his achievement." Snape was surprised and shocked and didn't believe a word of it. Snape said "Well if Potter is that great, I would like to see him in my private room to do a dreamless sleep potion, because I think book smart is different from practical smart." Pince said "I'll tell him when he wakes up."

It took exactly a week for Harry to recover. He was given meals through a tube every so often so he wouldn't get super hungry. When he woke up Pompfrey and Pince watched closely. Harry woke up and asked "How long was I out?" Pompfrey replied "Exactly a week." Harry was surprised he said "Wow I didn't think it would take that long." Pince said "Professor Snape came to see you, he said he doesn't believe that you got an Outstanding in your Potion practice Owls." Harry thought typical Snape he asked "Let me guess I have to do a potion to prove I got the O fair and square?" Pince replied "Yeah he did he thinks book reading and practical skills are two different things the potion he wants you to do in his private potion classroom is the dreamless sleep potion." Harry was super impressed that Professor Snape would ask him to make that specific potion. Harry said " interesting, good choice I am going to have to ask him what version of the potion he wants me to make because if memory serves me rightly they are four different versions." Pompfrey was shocked and asked "That's correct, could you tell me the different versions?" Harry replied "There's a weak version for infants which prevents them from night terrors, the mild version is what all Hogwarts students take and helps them during study's if you're nervous for a test, the next one is a super addictive potion it's for wizards who have spent a long time in Azkaban and still have nightmares about Dementors, the other version is the non-addictive one, it's for people who still have nightmares but are so used to the addictive version that they cannot sleep without taking the potions." Poppy was surprised and said "That's exactly right, wow no wonder you got an O for your Potions." Pince asked "Are  you well enough to go back to the library?" Harry replied "Yeah sure and we can also discuss my theory on how I have a disability."   Harry and Madam Pince left the hospital wing and headed towards the library. 

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