Chapter 8 Fudge personal test

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After breakfast Harry headed to the library Madam Pince asked "Are you ready for the Fudge test?" Harry said "Yeah, I am excited to see what he's testing me." Pince said "It's the same seven subjects but this time there are ten questions and he said you are supposed to take half an hour for each subject." Harry said "so the whole test takes three hours and thirty minutes wow this is going to be interesting and painful at the same time." Pince handed Harry the piece of paper. Harry went to the same seat and did the Silence charm so that nobody disturbed him.

He did Astronomy first. He looked at the first question, it said (Muggles have Solar eclipses, What is so special about a Solar eclipse for a wizard?) Harry had to remember each book telling him about Solar Eclipses. He remembered reading one book about it. He wrote (When a solar eclipse appears a wizard can make one wish and suddenly he will get the power of the wish. The great Merlin wished for power in each subject he got it but his brain was too weak so he passed some of his powers down to the founders.) Harry thought that was awesome he knew his brain wouldn't cope with multiple subjects in his head so he would probably wish for master at potions  just to show Snape up. Harry told himself to remember to tell Pince at the end of the test. Harry carried on with his test in the same subject in the order as when he was doing his Owls. It did take him half an hour for each subject. He found the Potions one to be a lot more trickier but somehow he remembered so much about every potion book.

He also saw a potion book for sixth year that said 'the Half Blood Prince' which he found odd. It had improvements to the Draught of the Living Death. That was part of a question in the test it said (What's the ingredients for Draught of the Living Death? Plus what are the steps?)  so instead of using the steps in a normal book he followed the steps in his new book. He thought to himself he needs to find this book because the more he remembered he liked this book more and more. His last subject questions were Defense of the Dark Arts, he found those really simple, the questions were interesting because he felt like an Auror should known them. He did them quite quickly and then he finished the last answer and his time was done. He took away the silence charm and headed to Madam Pince's desk and said "I am done with those questions." Pince sent a letter back to Fudge of the answers Harry wrote down.

In his office Fudge started to read the answers for the seven subjects. He couldn't believe that Harry managed to get every question right. He sent a letter to Dumbledore warning him that he's coming through the Fire place toward the library. Dumbledore was shocked so he sent his patronus Phoenix saying "That's fine come on through."

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