Part 27

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"Y/n no you can't leave me, please don't leave me please" i screamed at her trying to make her wake up, i was starting to cry but i held back the tears so i could stay strong for Y/n. I heard the noise of the police sirens, "they're almost here baby, they're going to save you" i whispered in her ear.

"Stay strong for me baby, please stay strong for me" i said my voice breaking from holding back the tears, they came up and took y/n on the stretcher. They said i could meet them there but i shouldn't go into the ambulance because they had to start surgery in the car if i wanted her to survive i agreed and watched them left, i ran towards the rented car me and y/n had gotten earlier and started to drive to the hospital.

I called Harrison not caring about the time difference to let him know what's going on and to make him start hunting for whoever is doing this, "come one pick up pick up pick up" i said while speeding down the street. "Hello" i heard Harrison's croaky voice, "Haz someone shot y/n and she's on her way to the hospital and it isn't looking good mate" i said almost breaking down right then and there.

"I need you to start looking for whoever is doing this, i'm coming home as soon as they release y/n and tracking down whoever this mother fucker is" i said sternly, "okay mate go to the hospital, i'll get everyone on the team up and at the office and we will start tracking anyone who was on the plane with you guys who would be a potential suspect" he said to me in the phone has i heard him getting up and putting on some clothes.

"Thank you Harrison, i don't know what i would do without you by my side" i said in a calmer voice as i arrived at the hospital, "mate you don't have to thank me, i'll always be by your side" he said getting all soppy "alright i have to go i'm at the hospital" i said about to hang up "okay text me as soon as you hear news about y/n" he said "will do bye mate" with that i hung up.

I ran into the hospital and went up to the lady at the front and asked if y/n had showed up yet, she said yes she in surgery and that i would have to wait in the waiting room. I said 'thank you' and sat down, i was so distraught and pissed of i ended up falling asleep.

                    *6 HOURS LATER*

I woke up to the feeling of someone tapping my shoulder, it was a surgeon. "Mr. Holland?" he asked me "um uh yes that's me" i said trying to wake up, "would you mind if i talk with you for a second" he asked sitting down next to me "yes of course" i said looking at him. "Your fiancé suffered major injuries in her abdomen and the bullet hit a major artery but we were able to get the bullet out and stitch her up, she will however have to stay her for at least 3 days just to make sure none of her stitches burst and she doesn't suffer from internal bleeding" he said smiling.

I closed my eyes in relief and hugged the surgeon "thank you" i said to him, he hugged me back and took me to her room. I sat down next to her and held her hand kissing it every once and a while, "thank you for staying strong for me" i said kissing her forehead and letting a tear shed.

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