Halloween Prompt ~ 2019

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You could see Jace and Clary searching through the perimeter. Before Clary had come to the Institute you and Jace had a yearly competition. Every Halloween you'd clear out a demon hotspot and wait to scare the other. Only this year Jace seemed to have forgotten.

Tailing them you prepared to pounce.

"Jace!" Clary gasped as you suddenly collided with him.

"Wait, Clary stop! It's just (Y/N)!" Jace gasped, chuckling as he lifted you over his shoulder and held you up.

"What were you thinking!" She said in frustration. You didn't exactly get on great but for Alec's sake you tried.

"It's Halloween; everyone's entitled to one good scare." You said as you wriggled out of Jace's grip and you both started playing fighting. "Besides, we're not allowed to celebrate Halloween."

"It's sort of our thing." Jace explained as Clary stashed her weapon and sighed.

"Well it scared the heck out of me." She grumbled.

"I have to go, Izzy let me take a detour, there's something going on with a demon a few streets over." You explained, high fiving Jace as he let you win.

"We'll swing by and help." Jace offered, Clary agreed and the two of you started talking about Mundanes, Halloween and what the Nephilim did instead.

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