Chapter 28 She's dead.

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.Borutot P.O.V.

"OW!" I yelled and grabbed my face in pain.
"You hit me!" I siad more in surprise than being mad.

I turned to look back at him and he was blushing...

"Next time wait till were alone idiot."He said to me so that no one else could hear and turned to leave.

"Damn it...Should have waited." I said I said with a sigh and followed him out.

While we walked out the others were laughing...
So that wasn't embarrassing at all...

When we left the cinema room we walked to a little cafe that smelt like coffee and sweets.

We sat down and ordered drinks, some muffins and more.

While drinking my hot chocolate I saw Mirsuki in the corner or my eyes quickly put his hand over where he had been stabbed and his face scrunch up in pain.

"You okay?" I asked him putting my drink back on the table and placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Mitsuki are you okay?" Sakura asked walking up to him.

Mitsuki nodded but still looked in pain.

Sakura reached into her bag and pulled out some paracetamol to ease the pain.

"Don't worry okay. You'll feel it hurt sometimes but it should get better in a few weeks." She said with a little smile.

Mitsuki nodded and took the paracetamol to help with pain.

After a little while through pain had left and we all went back to talking and eating.

I felt a little pressure on my shoulder so I turned to look and I saw Mirsuki reading his head on me while scolding through his phone.

I couldn't help but smile.I love him so much how could I not smile.

It started to get late so we headed back to the dorm walking through the night watching the shops close and house lights turn off while lampposts turned out.

I thought the bad was over. Mitsuki was getting better. He hasn't gotten I'll again. Were going out and I'm with the people I care about almost all the time.

I got text and so did my old man. It was from my mum about my little sister...She...She's dead.

Sometimes things happen and there isn't anything we can do about it. We can't always be there to protect them from pain...To protect then from a life of pain. But I promised in my head that I would never let anything happen to the people I love...Not my mum, not my dad,not my friends and not Mitsuki.

.No one P.O.V.

Three months later...

Hey guys! I haven't got anything to say so have a nice day.

Borumitsu "Boruto, I-"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang