Chapter 49 Nope!

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.Mitsuki P.O.V.

I sat on my bed waiting for Iwabe to come so we could go out togeather.
Its not a date, it's a revenge plan.

Never thought I'd be doing anything like this.

"Mitsuki, if he tries anything call me." Boruto said coming over and sitting next to me.

"I know, please don't worry Boruto. I'll be okay." I said trying to reassure him.

"I can't help it." He said smiling at me.


.Orochimaru P.O.V.

(Incase you forgot I gave Orochimaru a love interest. Orochimaru saw her at a shop and likes her, but is unsure of love and his feelings. Its all In chapter 40 if you need a little more of a reminder) 

Who was that?
Is this how Mitsuki feels about that blonde kid? Boruto.

Nope! It's not! No!

Ahh...What's with this childish behaviour from myself?
I'm not in love...
Will I see her again?
Why would I want to?

But, I do want to see her bright blue eyes and beautiful face again...

I made my way to the forest that surrounds my home. Listening to the birds and faint sounds of the busy village began to drown out.

I felt someone near me, watching me and so I stopped.

"Come out." I said, with a small smile growing on my face.

I heard the sounds of shaking leaves behind me and turned around to see the woman I saw earlier.

"Hi..." She said, obviously looking a little surprised.

"You were watching me?" I asked her. Dropping my smile as this was someone I felt no need to fight.

"I was here first. Training." She said crossing her arms.

"Hmm?" I hummed, raising my eyebrows.

"What?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Your a ninja?" I asked her.

"No. I'm a lawyer." She said, which confused me.

"So what are you in a forest training for?" I asked.

"That's none of your business, now is it." She said smirking at me.

"Your hurt." I stated looking at her bleeding arm. Which had a deep cut.

"It's nothing. Someone like you shouldn't worry about me." She putting her hand over her wound.

"Someone like me? You know me?"

"Everyone knows you. Its hard not to." She saying it as if I was stupid.

"Come with me, I'll help your wound." I said smiling at her.

"Ok. But nit because I need help. I just want to see where you live." She said walking over to a tree and grabbing her shopping bag.

"Of course." I said walking towards my home.

"We have to hurry, I got chicken nuggets and I want to eat them." She said walking next to me.

"Chicken nuggets?" I asked.

"You've never had chicken nuggets? Wow...You must live in a cave..."She mumbled.

"What kind f lawyer are you?" I asked her.

"The best kind." She said looking offended.

"Which is?"

"The one that eats chicken nuggets." She said smiling.

"Right..." I said unsure if this weird, immature woman was really a lawyer.

"Just because I like chicken  nuggets doesn't make me immature." She said looking annoyed.

"What?" I asked her shocked, she read my mind?

"No, I can't read your mind. You just have the same reaction to me as everyone else when they find out I'm a lawyer." She said with a little laugh.

"Mhm" I hummed picking tree branch out of my way.

"So predictable..." She mumbled with a smile.

That's it for this chapter! Thankyou to my new and old followers and alk who read my fanfic(s)!! It means a lot.
And I love reading your comments so thankyou :)


What anime, TV series, movies and more so you like?

*My Answer*

I love anything Batman and I love a lot of different animes so I can really choose and I also watch a lot of things on Netflix ^-^


Thankyou for reading

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