Chapter 52 Just a phone call

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.Orochimaru P.O.V.

We got the snacks for the movie and went inside, finding our seats and watched the adverts.

I only just met this Woman. Is it really okay for me to be going places with her?

And she wants me to apologise to Mitsuki. I know I should. But, Mitsuki deserves better than Narutos child. He seems oblivious to everything...

But if Mitsuki is happy with him, I geuss I should be too.

"Hey man be quiet it's starting." She said elbowing me arm the was resting on the arm rest.

"I diddnt sat anything." I said raising my brow at her.

"Please, you were thinking so hard I could practically hear your thoughts." She said with a small, cute laugh.

I just sighed and shook my head, ignoring her teasing.

-Time skip-

After the movie we went to a small restaurant and took seats at the back by a large window.

"So, I suppose you want me to call Mitsuki now?" I asked her.

"Hmm? Of course I do. But don't apologise to him." He said.

"Okay- wait what? The while point I'm calling him is to apologise. Right?" I asked her.

"It's just a phone call, it doesn't she you care, he can't see your face to see if your actually sorry. You are sorry aren't you? Because I dont want you to apologise because I'm making you I want you to apologise because you were wrong,stupid, a horrible parent, and more. And that you love him." She said.

"Of course it's not because of you."I said grabbing my phone our my pocket.

"Well I mean, it is a little, you seem way to stupid,oblivious, arrogant, self absorbed and-"

"Okay,it get it." I said cutting her list of insults short. "I wouldn't of come to the conclusion that I was wrong on my own, I admit it."

"Now, call him and arrange somthing to say sorry to him." She said with a smile.

.Mitsuki P.O.V.

"Hey Mitsuki I'm going to get some things from the shop,want anything?" Boruto asked me, while zipping up his coat.

"Hmm, strawberry milkshake." I said looking up at him from my book.

"I knew you'd say that, I'm going to get a milkshake flavoured milkshake and some food. Then when I'm back we cab watch a movie." He said opening the our dorm door and leaving.

I heard my phone buzzing so I git up to check it onky to see it was my Parent.

Should I answer?
I don't want to argue right now... Or more like my parent tells me I'm bad and I just listen to it.

I put my phone on silent and placed it back down waiting for Boruto to come back from the shops.

This was shorter than the first time I wrote it but it's here!! I'm so sorry about the dissaperaing act it did.
Anyway thankyou for reading and all the kind comments!!


What is somthing you do when you can't sleep?

*My Answer*

I usually play games on my console or phone.
Or I watch YouTube/Netflix ^-^

Thankyou for ready, you can leave you Question answers in the comment bit if you want :)


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