Chapter 24 you dont leave family

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.Mitsuki P.O.V.

It was dark all around me. It was cold and I felt..Scared. I want to be back with my friends and Boruto...But I'm here...Scared and alone...

Then a light appeard. The sun. It was the only light, the only warmth near me in all of this cold, darkness.

I reached out to it but the more I reached out the further away it seemed to be.

A blinked and the sun was gone. Now on the ground a blonde haird boy. Eyes closed and he wasn't moving.

I walked closer. Who was this boy? Where am I?

Getting closer...I saw his face...Boruto...

No...No no no...

"Boruto?" I called out but there was no answer.

I felt my heart sink in my chest...What's happening?

I ran towards Boruto tears falling down my cheeks.

I finally reached the one I love and held him in my arms.

I held onto him tight. But no matter how tight I held onto him he still dissappeared...
Leaving me alone...

I looked up slowly..Seeing Boruot stood up perfectly fine by a big Cherry Blossom tree.

"Boruot..." I said smiling. "Your okay..." I siad walking closer and closer to him.

But then stopped. My heart skipped a beat. My smile dropped.

I saw Boruto there smiling...Smiling at a boy...A boy...The same one that was at the library and kissed Boruto...

'They aren't togeather...' I thought to myself and kept walking towards them.

But once again stopped...When I saw Boruot walk over to him and kiss him...Then look back at me and smiled.

"Sorry Mitsuki. But I don't love you anymore. I hope you understand. But I mean...Look at you." Boruot said while the other boy just laughed and put an arm around Boruto.

Boruto walked over and hugged me. But then...
He left my arms and was no where to be seen. I hugged my self allowing the tears and Sobs to escape.

"Help..." I said sounding weak but my voice only echoed in the darkness.

"H-help..." I tried again once more hoping someone would hear me.

"Boruto!" I yelled my voice wavering.

"Please...Anyone..." I whispered.

'Please...He's gone...Borutos' I kept repeating in my mind.

"-ake up..."


"Wake up..."

"Its okay... please wake up..."


I opened my eyes quicker and shot up from my sleeping position starting everyone one in the room.

I looked around seeing worried faces.. Naruto,Sakura,Konohamaru,Shikadi,Cho Cho,Karin,Suigetsu,Log and...And Boruto who was sat on my bed next to me, they all had worried faces...

"You okay?" Boruto asked me with a  soft yet worried voice.

"Y-you..." I tried to speak but my throat was tight and I couldn't get the words out. So I cried...I cried again...Letting the tears fall and letting them all see me bang weak...

After a few minutes I calmed down a little and was able to speak.

"I thought you were dead..." I siad looking at Boruto with teary eyes.

Borumitsu "Boruto, I-"Where stories live. Discover now