chapter 14 Sorry

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.3rd person P.O.V.

When they got to the food place they all sat down. Boruto did his best to sit next to Mitsuki but Mitsuki kept moving away. The others who diddnt know about what happened were confused. They were sat like this: 

Mitsuki  Konohamaru    Sakura
Sarada Boruto Chou Chou  Shikadi

"Want to swap seats?" Sarada whispered to Boruto.

"Please" Boruto whispered back and they swapped seats causing Mitsuki to look out the window doing his best to ignore him.

"Hi may I take you're order?" A waitress said holing a nite pad and pen.

"Ah..Could you give us a minute please?" Konohamaru asked her.

"Of course" She smiled and walked away.

"Okay what's going on?" Konohamaru asked looking at Mitsuki and Boruto.

"It's nothing." Boruto said.

"Are you sure?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah, it dosnt matter." Boruto said.

"Boruto!" Sarada shouted at him.

"What!?" Boruto shouted back at her.

"What do you mean it dosnt matter of course it does!" She shouted.

"W-well...I..." Boruto stuttered.

"He's right." Mitsuki said eyes still looking out the window.

"About what?"Sarada asked

"It dosnt matter." Mitsuki said. "Well at least not to you right?" Mitsuki said looking at Boruto sadness showing on his face but he was trying to hide it.

"No...Mitsuki I..Im sorry."


"It diddnt mean anything"

"Maby not to you. But have you tried to see it how I did?"


"..." Mitsuki diddnt reply he just turned and looked back out the window.

"How am I supposed to see it how you did?"


"Are you stupid?" Sarada said to Boruto.

"What?" Boruto asked.

"He saw you kissing some random person! What did you expect him to know it diddnt mean anything!?" Sarada shouted at him.

"You what?" Konohamaru said finally caught up with what's going on.

"I- I just don't see how it looked like anything!" Boruto shouted in defence.

"And here I thought you two would be together for ever.." Chou Chou said.

"I know you're an idiot Boruto but seriously?" Shikadi said.

"There is a way you can see how it looked to him." Sakura said.

"How?" They all said apart from Mitsuki

"No way! Mitsuki is not kissing random person!" Boruto shouted.

"No not like that!" Sakura snapped "Follow me" She said.

They all walked out of the good place not even getting any food and walked to a house. Sakura and Saradas house.

Sakura put a little electronic circle on the side of Mitsukis head and turned on a screen.

"We can see it here. What time was it about that you  saw it happem Mitsuki?" Sakura asked him.

"I think 11:30"

"Okay" She said as she set the time to 11:30

"Why are you doing this?" Konohamaru asked Sakura.

"I like the drama" She replied with a smile Konohamaru giving her a worrying look.

On the screen it showed what Mitsuki saw. He looked around for anymore toys seeing on that had gone a little out of the children's area and him starting to walk to it. Then It showed him looking up to see boruto.

Then a dark green haird boy running to Boruto telling him he loved him and Boruto doing them same and then...The kiss.

Borutos eyes were wide open when watching the screen. 'That's what it looked like...' he thought. 'It looked like I had cheated on him and was fine with it.'

"Mitsuki..I-im..I'm so sorry" Boruto said with tears in his eyes.

Mitsuki took of the little electronic thing and gave it back to Sakura.

"Mitsuki...Please forgive me." Boruto said.

"I'm thought it diddnt matter." Mitsuki said.

"I'm does! It does matter because you matter to me! I love you..." Boruto said then gave Mitsuki a tight hug not wanting to let go.

" I love you too.." Mitsuki said in Borutos ears hugging him back.

I'm sorry! This is really short but I'm thinking of ending this fanfiction.
If you want more chapters please tell me and I'll make it happen even if it's one person who wants more and tell me if you want fluff, lemon of anything or even to know what's up with Iwabe constantly being near Mitsuki.

I'll be making a Kuroko no bakset fanfiction soon. Possibly Kagakuro!
And another Borumitsu!

    Thankyou you all for reading.

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