Chapter 57 Waiting for what?

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So I'll be very busy from September 2nd.

As I'm going to be doing Sixth form and I've chosen three subjects which are hard and I have to do more maths :( So I'm sorry if updates are slower then. But I'll try to get them out during weekends ect ^-^

.Orochimaru P.O.V.


"He hasn't been answering his phone I sighed looking over at Lia.

"Hmm? Go to him." She said with a big smile while getting up off the park bench.

"I know, I should." I said with an ever louder sigh.

"So what are you waiting for?" She asked her smile dropping a little.

"I-I don't know..." I said looking up at her.

"Wow did the all great and powerful Orochimaru just stutter? That's new." She teased sitting back down next to me and grabbing my phone out my pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked watching her as she quick typed something.

"If he doesn't see the message that's on him." She said, giving me back my phone.


"If messaged your son. Saying that you're coming to see him. Tomorrow." She said smiling.

"But..Okay." I said I was going to argue but she seems like the type of person who won't take no for an answer. Usually I just experiment on those types on people to make them see what happens when they defy me. But I don't want to kill her...

"Also you should really get a password for your phone." She said.

"Why is that?"

"So that if anyone takes it they can't get into it obviously." She said as if I was stupid.

"Right..." I mumbled standing up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Home. I need to get things ready to go to Konohana." I said walking away.

"Me to!" She said standing up quickly.

"What?" I said Turing around.

"I'm coming with you. You'll probably mess it up more if you go alone." She said turning around and running off.

"But- and she's gone..."I sighed and started walking back to my cave.

I got I'm and packed some things.

"H-help..." I heard some one mumble.

I looked over and saw Subject 712178 crawling on the floor.

"You signed up to be experimented on now get back in the hole." I said shaking my had and picking her up and throwing her back in a ditch in the opposite room.

"Honestly...I'm not a baby sitter for adult old men and women." I mumbled to myself while showing a charger into my bag.

"They wanted to be experimented on. I paid them good money and this is how they react? Sure I usually end up killing 9 out of 10 of them but they are lucky a few years ago their chances of dying were 10 out of 10. So ungrateful..." I Said wondering why they acted like this.

"Hey!" I heard someone scream.

Well not someone...Lia.

"How did you get in? I asked shocked.

"I walked in? Or maybe I flew on a unicorn!" She said with a smirk.

"Okay, okay. I thought you were packing?" I asked.

"I finished. Honestly and people say women take longer." She said shaking her head.

"Mhm" I hummed while turned my attention back to packing.

I know it was short I'm sorry I've had a busy day I had to go pick up some test results :(
Anyway thankyou for reading!


What is your time zone?

(If you dont know and want to answer just put in Google  "What is the time zone in______")

*My Answer*

It's summer right now so mine is

Borumitsu "Boruto, I-"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ