Chapter 2 The first of many

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.Boruto P.O.V.

When I got to he dorms after hanging out with the others it was 10pm. I heard Mitsuki in the shower and just thinking of his wet,naked body was enough to make my face heat up.

I git changed and brushed my teeth ( as the shower and toilet/sink were seperated) then went to bed.

'I must be hard...Dad told me and the others Mitsukis only just getting used to having feelings...having emotions...It sounds crazy but if must be hard not having them then suddenly having feeling' I thought listening to the sound of the shower'I'll help him' I promised in my head before sleep took over me.

.3rd person P.O.V.

"Boruto?" Mitsuki said leaning over Boruto.
"Boruto..." Mitsuki tried once more, tapping on his shoulder softly.
"Hmm?" Boruto woke up seeing Mitsuki leaned over him staring at his face.
"Mitsuki? What are you doing?" He asked with a slight blush on his face,hoping the other wouldn't notice.

"I don't know...I can't sleep." Mitsuki said.
"Well..." Boruto began not sure what to say. 'Why did he have to be so cute..' Boruto thought.

"Can I sleep with you?" Mitsuki asked quietly. Mitsuki did his best to hide his emotions, he was scared to, so when he did it was either something that was important and couldn't stop or because he was becoming more intact with his feeling and emotions and couldn't help it.
Boruto knew the so he agreed."Sure." He said, shuffling along to make room for Mitsuki.

"Thank you.." Mitsuki mumbled and climes in with Boruto.
5 minutes later and Mitsuki was fast asleep, but Boruto was not. He was in the same bed as his crush. His face was bright red and his eyes were watching Mitsukis sleeping face. Borutos blush growing with each second that passed.

Mitsukis face scrunched up a little then he woke up and saw Boruto staring directly at him. 'Busted' was all Boruto could think.

"Boruto?" He said. "Are you okay? Your face is red."

"Eh? Oh, yeah.." Boruto said in a panicking tone. In all his panic he moved forward both boys still laying down and kissed Mitsuki. He kissed him...He kissed Mitsuki...He pulled back after a few seconds.
"I..I'm sorry!" Boruto almost shouted, his eyes tight shut and he sat up imminently.
'He's going to hate me! Why did I do that?' Was all he could think.

Mitsuki sat up watching his teammates worried face 'He kissed me..' he thought. Mitsuki closed his eyes and leaned forward, lips touching Borutos.

Boruto open his eyes, spruced. Mitsuki pulled back and opened his eyes with a small smile and a light blush.

"Y-you kissed me" Boruto began.
"You kissed me first" Mitsuki said.
"Mitsuki...I love you..."Boruto said looking down at his hands as he diddnt want to see a face of pity or guilt for not loving Boruto back on his crushes face.

"Boruto I-" Mitsuki started before a fire alarm went off and they quickly got up and rushed outside in lines.

While standing outside Naruto gave a speech about 'Why you should never set of a fire alarm off as a joke'  Boruto could only stare at Mitsuki who was stood right in front of him.
'What was he going to say?' He thought. 'Proberly something like Boruto I don't like you like that..Or Boruto I don't want a relationship with you..But then again he did kiss me and smiled at me so...Ugh it's all so confusing,maby he was teasing me or taking pity on me and he was scared to reject me.

"OK!" The Hokage shouted interrupting Borutos thoughts. "It's 1am, everyone to bed"

They all started walking away when "Boruto, a word please" Borutos farther said. Boruto looked at his  farther then back at ti where he had last seen Mitsuki but he was fine. Inwardly sighing he made his way to his farther.

"What is it old man?" Boruto asked.

"Well, you seemed to be distracted while I was speaking. Is everything okay?" Naruto asked his son.

"Ugh...So now you want to know what's going on I'm my life? I'm fine okay." Boruto said as he began to walk away.

'I have a feeling that fire alarm is the first of many interuptions between me and Mitsuki...'

HI! Any tips on writing would be greatly appreciated. Even if I'm talking to myself right now. Whenever you read this even in a few moths I'll be sure to follow up!
Thank you! I'm also not sure if I'm making these to short or not...

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