Author note- I'm an idiot

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So. Its me hi

Been a while I'm sorry.

Let me tell you why
and if you think "Woah she's an idiot"
I understand :)

I was messing around on Wattpad on my profile and things like that.

I saw a little button that says log out and I think you can tell where this is going because I clicked that little button  forgetting  my password to log back in :(

I've changed my password now all Is good and I'm here now. I'm sorry I wasn't able to update but it won't happend again.

So yeah I'm an idiot but we all make mistakes :)
I'm really sorry.

I will try to get a chapter out as soon as I can but I want to reread what I've put out to refresh myself.

I know sort of where I want this fanfic to go I just want to make sure it won't ho in the wrong direction.

Thankyou so much and I'm sorry again.

*pre warning*

I also just finished some exams as this yeah I have important exams.

Those were just practice ones. I have really important ones one two and a half months so j can go to college.

I will put up a warning when I'm doing them so I don't leave you in the dark about my dissapearence.

Thankyou :)

Any questions are welcome about the fanfic or anything.

I also want to ask a question at the end of each chapter
(or author note) not sure if you'd be into that but let's give it a go ^-^ some questions will be random, some I will ask to see if I could include something you like into the chapters :)

This was long sorry

I promise that's it now

thankyou all


If you could go on a date anywhere in the world (Not worrying about money) where would you go?


My answer:

I would go to Japan ^-^

Borumitsu "Boruto, I-"Where stories live. Discover now