Chapter 33 Cat

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.Sarada P.O.V.

"Finally! We've been waiting forever." I said and started walking to get a seat.

I looked behind me to see if Boruto and Mitsuki were following or just stood there like a couple of idiots.
Good thing they were following me otherwise I'd shove my fist in their faces.

I sat down next to Konohamaru while Boruto and Mitsuki sat opposite us as we all had to sit in our teams.

The food was already at our table as Konohamaru went and got is as Boruto and Mitsuki were late.

"Come on you three eat up." Konohamaru said to us.

We all started eating the bacon and toast and everything there. Well, all of us apart from Mitsuki. He just sat there staring done at his hands.

"Mitsuki, aren't you going to eat?" I asked him making Konohamaru and Boruto to look at him.

"I'm not hungry." He said looking at me and giving me a small smile.

"Are you sick again?" Boruto asked him placing his hand on his forehead.

"No" Mitsuki said removing Borutos hand. " I'm just not hungry."

"Okay well we can't force you. But if you get hungry after the mission  we can grab something." Konohamaru said and continued eating his bacon.

"It's barely a mission. A lost cat can be found by a five year old." Boruto said annoyed.

"We have to do it so stop complaining." I said to him making him looked even more annoyed but I just ignored it.

I was worried about Mitsuki. He's been through a lot and I don't want something to happen to him. Not only because he's my a part of my team but he's also my friend and Borutos Boyfriend. If something happend to him I know Boruto would never be the same. Nothing would be. Since he came to our school I can't imagine it without him.

Sure he's a little...weird. but then again who isn't. That's what makes him Mitsuki. And I swear if I ever see Orochimaru again I've got a lot of things to say. Parents don't just leave their child in a hospital bed. They also support them yet that diddnt happen.

"Come on let's go." Konohamaru siad standing up, the rest of us following.

We walked out the door and headed to an old lady's house. The one who lost her cat.

.Mitsuki P.O.V.

The old lady described the cat as fully white with bright blue eyes and a pink nose. She siad her name was Bean.

The last place she was seen was apparently a park, two weeks ago, so we went there first.

"This sucks..."Boruto said as we approached the park.

"Look, when we find this cat we can do something fun, so for the time being stop complaining." Konohamaru said getting tired of Boruto being constantly annoying.

We all spilt into the four corners of the park covering more area to get this over with.

I heard the bush next to me shake and heard a light purring noise. I reached in and saw a cut while cat with blue eyes and a pink nose.

"Bean?" I asked the cat.

The cat looked at me and stretched.

I picked her up and carried her to the others. I felt hungry but couldn't eat.

"I found her." I said stroking her in my arms.

"She's so cute." Sarada said and stroked her head.

"Lest get her back to the old lady." Konohamaru siad taking the cat and putting her in the purple cat carrier.

"Finally.." Boruto mumbled and grabbed my hand as we started making our way back.

"Where did you find her?" Sarada asked me.

"In a bush." I said as Boruto pulled me closer to him.

We reched the old lady's house and she looked happy when she saw her little cat with us that she almost cried.

"Thankyou for bringing me my little Bean back!" She said smiling and taking the carrier from Konohamaru.

"Don't worry about it. We are happy to help." Konohamaru said.

We walked away from the house hearing the old lady talking to her cat.

"What now?" Boruto asked.

"Well I'm going back to the dorms." Konohamaru said smiling.

"But you said we could do something fun after this!" Boruto yelled.

"I lied." Konohamaru said walking away.

"Now what?" Sarada asked.

"We could go back to the dorms and meet with Inojin and the others." Boruto suggested.

"Sure let's do that." Sarada said and we all started walking a little behind Konohamaru back to the dorms.

I felt my stomach grumble, as of begging for food but I don't want to eat. Unfortunately me and Boruto are close and he felt it.

"Hungry?" He asked me. I can't say no he already knows and I don't want to worry him.

"A little." I said still holding his hand.

"We can get something when we get back." He said smiling at me.

I diddnt say anything back just nodded.

Hope you enjoyed reading it.

I know there wasn't much drama or anything but I'm doing my best. I also have a lot of homework I don't want to do but I geuss I have to...

Anyway thankyou for reading and have a nice day (or night you know because some peopleare like bats)

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