Chapter 61 Hear him

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.Mitsuki P.O.V.

"W-wait, Mitsuki slow down!" Boruto called out to me as I walked down the street not caring about all the way people around.

I kept walking quickly until I realised I'd lost Boruto in the crowd.

"Mistuki!" I heard him yell but I couldn't see him or tell which direction it cane from.

Seriously why are there so mnay people?

"Boruto..." I mumbled trying to decide if I should head back to the dorms or try to find him in this crowd.

I looked around for a little while but still couldn't find him, so eventually I gage up and sat on a slightly wet bench, because of the rain, and waited for him to find me instead.

"Hey, you lost?" A tall boy asked me.

He had green eyes and dark skin with short dark blue hair with black streaks in it.

"Umm..." I diddnt know what to say. Konohamaru told me not to talk to strangers.

"I'm Lincoln." He introduced.

Well if he introduced himself I geuss he's not a stranger anymore...

"Mitsuki." I said in a quiet voice.

"So what are you doing? I've been watching you for a while now and you haven't really been doing anything." He said.

"Creepy..." I mumbled turning away from him.

"What? No no I diddnt mean it like that I just ment..." He began and trailed off.

"Have you seen someone with blonde hair and blue eyes anywhere?" I interupted him as it was clear he wasn't going to stop rambling.

"Hmm? Who the Hokage?" He asked.

"No, his son." I said.

"No. I diddnt even know he had a son. Is he the reason yoir here all alone?" He asked.

"I got seperate from him in the crowd..." I said with a sigh.

"Well you can always hang out with me." He said smiling.

"No thankyou." I said and stood up to go find Boruto.

"No really!" He half yelled and grabbed my wrist.

"No. Let me go." I said pulling away from him.

"I'll help you find him!" He now shouted.

"Ill find him on my own." I said and walked away.

I'm not sure how long I walked for but I could tell the guy was still following me from a distance.

I quickly turned a corner hoping to lose him when I knocked into someone.

"Ouch..." I mumbled picking myself up from the ground.

"Mitsuki?" I looked down and finally...Boruto.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." I said with a frown.

"Well I've been looking for you to and I- Hmm? Who's your friend?" He asked pointing to Lincoln behind me.

"He's been following me for a while now...." I whispered close to him.

"Really? Okay let go." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the dorms.

We got in our room and I flopped on my bed in exhaustion.

"You know you should have atleast heard what he had to say. Orochimaru I mean." Boruto said looking at me from across the room.

"Hmm? Why are you siding with him?" I asked offended.

"W-what? I'm not it's just...Ugh never mind let's just go home." Boruto said grabbing my handing and continued to walk.

Guys. My little Baby Chickens. Its been a while huh? Did you miss me?  :)

The reason it's late is because I'm doing A-levels now so I have a looooot of work to do. I mean seriously why do teachers set so many essays?? Its unfair :(

BUT! Here I am again. Hehe you can't get rid of me I'm like a virus! Hahaha
Bad timing for that joke huh?

Also Covid is getting worse where I am ✌ so...That's something. Oh but I'm also learning Korean so...That's a positive I geuss (until I give up because I'm really lazy)



Do you prefer long one shots or one shots with pt1, pt2 ect?????

( It's for the new oneshot book as you know ^-^  with all the ships I found you liked!!! )

Anyway bye bye for now Baby chickens!!!!!

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