Chapter 26 Human

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.Mitsuki P.O.V.

I stayed drink the sweet milkshake watching everyone speak to each other but not really listening.

Karin turned to look at me and smiled.

"Don't you agree Mitsuki" She asked me.

"Hm? Sure" I said then continued drinking the strawberry milkshake.

"You weren't listening were you?" Sakura asked with a stared face.

"I was not" I said with a little shake of the head.

"Okay, don't you agree that you shouldn't be living on your own here?" Karin asked me.

"I don't mind." I said.

"Well you should. I don't want you getting hurt again." Karin said with a  worried look.

"I agree." Naruto said with a serious face. "You shouldn't be alone."

"He's with me! We live in a dorm he isn't alone!" Boruto asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Sure. So where will he stay?" Naruto asked.

Then a thought came to me.

"Do you think giraffes are stuck up?" I asked.

The whole room went silent.

"W-what?" Sakura asked me with a shocked smile.

"They have long necks. The longest."I siad looking at my milkshake that rested on my lap. "Do you think their stuck up because they have the longest?" I asked them looking up at them.

"Where is this coming from?" Suigetsu asked me.

"I...I don't know." I siad then went back to drink my milkshake.

.3rd person P.O.V.

It was usuall for Mitsuki to say things like that. He was designed from head to toe. 
He isn't human. Well not fully. Wich is why it's weird for him to think these things or need to eat.

"Mitsuki." Karin called to him.

"Hm?" Mitsuki hummed in response.

"Can I just..." She began but trailed off as she went to her bad and pulled a needle out

"What are you doing?" Sakura asked her.

"I need a blood sample. This could be a sighn of him becoming more human." She siad approaching the white bed.
"I mean him loving someome and everything. This is good."She siad with a smile. "Now dont move" She said as she rolled up Mitsukis sleeve to his shoulder.

Mitsuki just said there drinking his pink drink as the needle tool his blood.

"There" She said and pulled it out.

Sakura wiped it with a cotten ball and then put a circular plaster on the place where the needle and gone.
As Kain put the blood sample away.

"Why does it matter?" Boruto asked.

"Well if he is becoming more human like then that means Orochimaru may have actually made a human instead of what you could say half of one." She said picking up her bag and giving a warm smile.

"Anyway we have to go. We will see you later." Suigetsu said.

"Bye sweetie." Karin siad and placed her and on Mitsukis head and ruffled his hair lightly.

"Bye" Mitsuki said giving a small smile to them as they walked out the door.

I know this chapter wasn't that umm...Intresting? I dont know it felt kinda bland.
Any suggestions for future chapter would be appreciated.
Thankyou for all your support! And thankyou for reading.

Borumitsu "Boruto, I-"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें