Chapter Sixty-One

Start from the beginning

Before Mick could even turn to look at him, Louis had kicked Mick on the back, sending him hurling against a wall and into the next room. Louis then knelt to me and I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Sorry I'm late," he said. "Are you all right?"

I nodded, "Liam?"

"He's fine. He's here somewhere," Louis said as he helped me up.

"What happened?"

"Some rogues suddenly attacked us a few moments after you went to the shed. Liam and I led them away from you but we realized too late that it was what they wanted to do in the first place," he explained. "When we both realized where you were and tried to follow, that's when Westwind attacked us."


Before he could tell me more, Mick was next to us again. He was ready to punch Louis square on the face but Louis blocked him and pushed him away from us with a punch of his own.

Mick spat out blood before he said, "Now I remember why I never really liked you."

"It's a good thing the feeling's mutual then," Louis said. "Get out of here, Elle. I'll deal with him."

"I'm not done with you, Princess!" Mick snarled at me.

"But I am," I snapped at him as I sent continuous gusts of wind to him, punching him until he fell to his knees. "That's for hurting Harry and his family."

I made a snatching motion with my hand, cutting off his oxygen supply. "And this is for trying to kill me."

Mick began to choke, gasping for air that I wasn't letting him have. I now knew why Harry tried to kill him. He was only defending his family.

I could only imagine the torment they went through all those years and it was enough to make me see red. I was ready to kill Mick then and there when Louis stopped me.

"No, Elle. Don't dirty your hands with the likes of him. It's not worth it." Louis placed a hand on top of mine. "This is something I should've helped Harry finish before anyway."

Louis had a sad glint in his eyes, "Go, Elle. I'll take care of this."

I let my hand fall to my side, releasing Mick and letting him breathe again. The melancholy in Louis' voice made the anger in me ebb away. This was something he clearly regretted.

So while Mick was still down and gulping for air, I turned around and left without another word.

I finally walked out of the house. But I didn't get far.

The sight in front of me was enough to stop me on my tracks. I was left standing frozen on the patio, watching the fight that was happening all around me.

The smell of blood soaked the air.

Angry growls and snarls shook the trees.

Bodies of both man and wolf were pitted against each other.

Dead and dying werewolves littered the ground.

The gleamless moon watched everything from above the sky.

The wind gently wisped around me.

This wasn't just a fight.

This was the war that would change our lives.

I already knew that I couldn't stop this. But there was something else that only I could do.

So I took a step forward, and another, then down the short set of stairs. But before I could lay a foot on the warm soil, a knife was thrown at me. My wind stopped it before it hit me and I let it fall with a thud.

"Oops. My bad," Mikhail maliciously grinned.

I glanced at the knife on the ground then back at him.

"You also still wish to be alpha king?" I said, my face stoic.

Mikhail merely shrugged, "Wouldn't hurt to try. After all, the Moon Goddess very generously told us how to be alpha king."

I was getting really tired of Mikhail and his bullshit. I was getting really fucking tired of his jealousy-driven antics.

"Didn't I tell you, Mikhail, that my rogues are off-limits?"

Mikhail laughed, "In case you didn't notice, Luna, it's free range right now."

"So what did Dylan promise you? Bigger land?More power?"

Mikhail just shrugged, "That and I just happen to really want that warrior wolf dead. And I'm off to do that right now. After I'm done with you that is. It would be nice to be alpha king then kill that pest."

He pulled out another knife when I spotted a light brown wolf behind him. It was running towards us at full speed.

I gave him a small sinister smile, "You always forget, Mikhail."


"Liam can retaliate against you too. Anytime he wants."

Confusion settled on his face before he chuckled. "What can a warrior wolf do against me?"

"You don't deserve Cat, you know."

"Too bad you don't get a say in that."

"You always forget that I have the powers of the moon too."

His chuckle quickly turned into a frown. I could see him zero in on the moon in my eye.

"You disobeyed me again." My smile grew wider and my voice was almost sickly sweet. "So now I can freely do this."

I pulled the wind and lashed it at him, the force making him kneel in pain.

"I gave you fair warning, Mikhail. For attempting to murder my rogues, I hereby strip you of your alpha title and powers. Let it be known to all here who is present that Mikhail Dwyer is no longer Alpha of Westwind."

My eyes turned to Liam who was only a few feet away from Mikhail now. "Do to him what you will."

I glanced back down at Mikhail whose eyes were bulging from shock. I knew he could feel the weight of my words, and feel his powers dissipate in the air.

But I had more important things to do than attend to him and his insincere remorse.

Liam soon came and pushed him down, his paws pushing onto Mikhail's shoulders so that he couldn't move. Liam snarled and snapped at him, like he was screaming at him.

Mikhail's eyes found mine and it was almost like I could see his wolf howling in pain and pleading with me.

"I have no time for a fallen alpha."

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