I laughed at the sign that Thomas and Matt, mainly Matt, were holding up. "Has anyone seen the rings?" That was too cute but I leaned over to Higgins anyways. "You have the.." He stopped me and tapped his jacket. "Yup. Right here." He paused and hit the other side of his jacket and then scrambled in his pockets. "Oh thank god." He sighed as he pulled out the ring. "Not funny, Steven." He chuckled and gave me a pat on the back when I noticed that Winnie was frozen at the end of the aisle. Matt tried to walk forward with her but she wouldn't budge. She looked at all the people and then hid her face in Matt's pants, latching on to his leg. Matt looked up at me and I motioned for him to try one more time. He tried to get her to walk forward again and I could see her little chin start quivering. So I knelt down in my spot and called out to her. "Winnie Rose..." I said in a way I knew would get her attention. Her head popped up at the sound of my voice and she looked around for a moment before she locked eyes with me. Her lip quivered slightly but she also gave a faint grin. I smiled and beckoned her to come to me with my index finger. She gasped and tossed her basket behind her, causing everyone to laugh and took off as fast as her little legs would take her to me. She practically jumped into my arms and I scooped her up at the crowd gave a unified "Awwww". I held her close and kissed the side of her head as Matt looked around for a moment. He stooped down and picked up the basket of petals, putting what had fallen out into his hand. He gave an embarrassed smile as he started tossing petals onto the aisle for Breckyn to walk on. This won another round of laughter from the crowd.

"Thank you." I said as I shook his hand when he made it down the aisle. "You didn't have to do that." I added as he handed me the basket. "Someone had to distribute the petals. Might as well have been me if Winnie couldn't. Do you want me to take her?" I nodded and went to hand Winnie to Matt but she was latched on to me. I sighed and kissed the top of her head again. "On second thought, she can just stand up here with me and Breckyn. It'll be okay. Go ahead and give Thomas to Mom. " I whispered to him. It was starting to mist steadily now, and I could feel the moisture on my shirt and skin. "Hand me her little umbrella so I can cover her if I need to." He nodded and I leaned forward and gave Thomas a kiss, earning another "Aww" from the guests. The boys made their way to my parents. Dad stood up and took Thomas from Matt while my mother was already on her third Kleenex from the looks of it. I turned to Winnie and held her out. "Can you stand next to Daddy for a little while? Uncle Steve will be with you too?" She looked from me to Higgins who reached over and kissed her hand. She rubbed her eye and nodded. I gave her a little kiss and then put her down next to me. I handed her her basket and umbrella before leaning down to straighten her dress when I heard the song change from the Fields of Gold to Breckyn's song. I stood up straight and turned back towards the crowd that was now standing up, blocking my view of the barn. I strained to look over our guests but failed to see anything. I could hear the gasps and sounds of amazement and approval from everyone as they could see her and her father walking down the aisle.

Gosh I hope she doesn't slip on the wet grass. I thought to myself as I gave up on trying to see for the time being, falling back onto my heels from my tiptoes. That's when I noticed the song. Breckyn had told me she was going to play "To Build A Home" because it was elegant and she loved the way it sounded but this song was a higher pitch and just a bit faster on the piano. I tilted my head to the left and that's when the violin started in with it. Oh my gosh. I closed my eyes and put my hand to my heart and smiled as I realized she was playing Pachelbel's Canon in D. She must have decided to do that on her own after we realized we couldn't have a catholic wedding. She changed the song for me and didn't tell me so it would be a surprise. I was starting to get a little choked up and I cleared my throat. "Don't cry. Don't cry." I whispered to myself softly. "Its going to be hard not to. She's a sight to behold." I heard Higgins whisper and that's when I opened my eyes. I managed a gasp before I felt the air fall out of my lungs and my knees go weak as I finally made eye contact with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life.
"You look..." Dad finally said after a tearful moment standing with me while the rest of the girls left to room to give us a moment together. "I mean, I've had this vision in my head ever since I knew we were having a little girl, all those years ago, of what this moment would be like. What you would look like. How you would be. I've got to say that I could have never imagined how simply stunning you would truly be. My visions didn't do you justice, I'm afraid. You are a radiant bride. Jimmy is one lucky man and I am the luckiest father." I handed him a Kleenex and then proceeded to use one of my own, wiping my tears. "Oh Daddy, I think I am the lucky one. To grow up with a father like you and now I'm marrying the love of my life who is the best father I could ever ask for for my children? I didn't know life could be like this, Dad." He slipped his arms around my waist and held me close. "I knew it could be and I always hoped it would be. Now that it is happening for you, I couldn't be happier." I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Me either, Dad. Me either."

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