1.50 Contacting Cora

Start from the beginning

Me "I'm sorry. For Cora, for.."

Regina "murdering her?"

Me "I'm guilty for taking your mother away from you but then i remember that i'm the way i am now because of her. And i can't feel guilty about it"

She nodded.

Me "Doesn't stop me from thinking about it every day"

Regina turned to me "so do i. And when do think about it, i remember that she killed yur mother but that Cora was also your mother. So i'll admit that it's complicated."

Me "Thank you. I'm sure you had some things you wanted to say to her. "

Regina nodded "Well, i'm realize that my mother walled off a lot of her life from me. She wasn't the warmest mother, but at least i thought i occupied a singular spot in her heart. A sister, Zelena. Why would she give her up? Why would she make us strangers to one another?"

suddenly we heard a noise.

I looked around  "what's that?"

Regina "i have no idea"

Me "it's upstairs"

We walked upstairs.

Regina "it's in there"

We walked to the door

Regina "there isn't anything in this room, it's..."

she opened the room and there was a human shaped smoke spinning the spinning wheel. A wind was going around.

The smoke tuned to us and there was a young Cora.

My jaw dropped.

Regina froze "mother?"

Me "oh my god"

Regina shook her head "This can't be. The spell opened a limited portal for talking"

Me "it's me. I killed her. She sensed my presence and found a way to bleed through into our world. "

Cora came at me but Regina stepped in between us .

Regina " "back away. Mother! you will answer my questions! No, tell me, what did you do to Zelena?"

She threw Regina to the side and then came at me.

Regina transported herself and me into the library.

I looked at her, shocked.

Cora came through the walls and Regina held her off with magic.

Me "You're holding her off. "

Regina "but i cant hold her forever"

Me "I'd help you but i don't have a drop of magic in me"

Cora tried to fight the barrier.

Regina "i don't know how much longer i can hold her off"

Me "Cora, I 'm sorry. please"

Regina "Save your breath .Your mother was nothing like my mother. she only understands power and weakness. But uf she wants to kill you, she's gonna have to go through me!"

I looked at her surprised.

Regina "this isn't about you. This is about her and me!"

Then she stopped holding her back "it's time for answers, mother. What did you do to Zelena"

Suddenly Cora's spirit went inside me and gasped.

I saw flashes of imagines. A king, a ring, young Cora, stray spun to gold, a engagement ring, another prince, Cora and him sitting on a bench, my mother, my father a baby. 

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