1.50 Contacting Cora

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Me "and who knows more than Mommy?"

She nodded and looked at me.

Regina "it's a fairly simple ritual, but not often performed. "

She shoved a bowl over to me and i looked at her.

Emma asked confused  "if it's easy to talk to the dead, why not do it more?"

Regina "Because to do it, you need the murder weapon and the murder"

Everyone looked at me.

I looked at Regina "my blood?"

Regina shook her head "the thing that contains your magic"

Me "my heart"

Snow "Echo, you don't-"

I ripped my heart out and gasped in pain.

Hook looked at me with worried eyes.

I put it in the bowl and shoved it in the middle off the table and Regina lit the candles around it.

Emma "now what?"

Regina held her hands out "Focus on Cora"

Hook "Welcoming thoughts?"

Regina "Whatever you've got"

We grabbed each others hands. i held Regina's hand and Hook's hook.

Then we closed our eyes.

A wind started to blow through the room.

We looked up to the ceiling. A portal opened.

Snow "we did it"

Regina called out "Cora! Mother, can you hear us? give give us a sign. Do not ignore me now, mother! please, you owe me this"

Something moved and Snow jumped up a little scared.

Suddenly the portal closed.

We all looked at each other. 

Hook "sorry, love. That was me. I crossed my legs and bumped the table"

Regina sighed and shoved the bowl back to me.

Snow "do we try it again?"

Regina shook her head  "no, there's no point. It worked. The portal opened, but nothing came through it. She doesn't want to talk to me. Guess whatever secrets lie in her past, she wants to keep buried there. "


We walked out of the secret room. 

Charming "Maybe Belle will have more luck. There has to be something that can help us"

Emma "Right. My magic gets more powerful every day."

I nodded "and i can start growing more powers. We'll be ready "

Regina nodded "make sure that you are"

Emma nodded "come on, let's go"

They nodded and turned around to leave.

Hook looked at me.

I nodded "go ahead, i'll stay here"

He nodded and they left.

I looked at Regina.

Regina "i don't need a heart to heart"

Me "We don't even have our hearts beating in our chests so..."

She smiled and we walked into the kitchen.

I sat down at the counter and she cleaned up the sink.

Storytelling  (K.Hook)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ