Book III-Chapter 69, The Press Conference Part 1

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Hospitals throughout London have been reporting something very unusual the Cloud Stream journalist said. Comatose patients had been waking up throughout the night. So far the count was 9 in London itself and one in the suburb of Knightsbridge had also been reported. Further, the peace that had overtaken Paris some months ago and still continued there had taken root in the city of London overnight as well. Not one major crime had been reported on a Saturday night in the ancient city, nor any of its suburbs. Many believed that the peace and the incident with the crashing plane and train that were rescued, some said by Angels in Paris were tied somehow to the Royal and the World Changers concert and they had performed in London last night. It is becoming clear that this band brought miraculous acts with it somehow everywhere they performed. It was reported that the first coma patient to wake up had happened at 11:45 PM. This appeared to be during the time that the audience was chanting the Royal Prince's name at last night's show he knew, but it would be several days before the media reported that. Who were these young people and what power did they have over disease, injury and Angels? No-one knows, but most in our city are very grateful. We will keep you informed as the story continues to develop.

Prince's phone began to ring. As he got up to get it from the bedroom, he noticed Bella leaning against the door to the sitting room. "Did you hear", he asked? "Yes", she said as she went back into the bedroom and retrieved his phone and handed it to him. Carlos was on the phone. " Did you hear the story Prince", he asked before Prince could even say hello. "Yes", Prince said. "I think it is time for us to prepare to announce the Press conference", he continued. "So are we still going to go to Mass this morning"? "Yes I think so" Royal said; "and then we will come back here and have breakfast and then go to the airport". No more running Michael had said. "Got it", Carlos replied and disconnected the call. Prince turned around and walked to Bella and pulled her into an embrace. "Good morning pretty girl" he said. She said nothing but nuzzled his neck in greeting. "Let's get dressed for Mass. It starts at 10:00", Prince said. They took quick showers and dressed. Prince called Larry to remind him about attending Mass and was happy to hear they were all up and dressed. At 9:20 AM the 4 were ready and Security came to their rooms and escorted them to the elevator. Christian was on the elevator on his way down to the lobby when they got on and Prince remembered he had told them about going to Mass. They went straight to the garage and got into their air vehicles.

They arrived at the Abbey at 9:45 AM and entered the historic building. It was as beautiful as every picture that Bella had ever seen of it. They went inside after being greeted by one of the ushers who immediately recognized them. He smiled and said" I loved the show last night. You all were wonderful"! "Thank you" Prince said a little surprised that he was meeting a fan of his music in Westminster Abbey. The usher sat them in the 3rd row from the front and then scurried back to the entry doors and told the Celebrants who was worshiping with them today. The Senior Celebrant made a point of smiling at them as he walked up the aisle to the alter. He was known as the Venerable Ronald Hart and was also a fan of The Royal Prince's music. He had attended the concert last night with his co-pastor, John Stokes and the usher who had seated them. He was thrilled to see them in church! The Mass began and then when it was time for announcements, Rev. Hart said, "I want to extend a warm welcome to The Royal Prince of the World Changers , Carlos Rodriguez and their beautiful fiancee's Bella and Elaine. I would like to ask Royal if he would bless us with a song this morning"? Prince smiled, stood and walked to the front of the church. He thanked Rev . Hart for the opportunity to serve the Creator and asked if he might use an Electric or Acoustic Guitar. The Minister of Music was playing the Piano today to accompany the Choir. "Which would you prefer, we have both", he said smiling. Prince smiled too and said "Electric". He stood and brought a guitar to Prince. Prince strummed it, made a couple of adjustments and said The Cross by my great, great, great uncle Prince Rodgers Nelson and began to sing.

Another Chance Book I of IIIحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن