47. A Confession Of Love

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A burning lust.


Autumn's POV

"So what do we do now?" The four of us were all lying on the top bunk of what had become Jungkook's bed for the next however many days.

"Well, we have some time to kill, let's go out and have some fun," Hobi climbed down from the top bunk. Honestly, all I wanted to do was sleep but maybe going out would take my mind off things for a while. My brain felt overloaded by the events of the past few weeks and I was in need of an escape.

"Like what?" I questioned getting down from the bunk to put my shoes on.

"We passed an amusement park on the way here, I've not been to one since I was a little kid," Hobi smiled jumping up and down on the spot. I wasn't the biggest fan of amusement parks but seeing how excited he was about the idea I didn't have the heart to say no.

"Sure, you guys coming?" I looked up at Jimin and Jungkook who were still lying on the top bunk.

"Why not?" Jimin climbed down the metal ladder putting on his shoes, standing next to me and Hobi.

"I think I'm going to pass, I want to contact some family and friends, you know to ask about the whole Yoongi thing," Jungkook looked down at me his eyes saddening. I felt bad for leaving him by himself whilst we went out and had fun, but I knew it would probably be good for him to have some alone time.

So we headed to the amusement park which was just a 10-minute walk from Omelas. Despite the freezing cold weather, it seemed like every resident of Incheon was at the amusement park. The entrance to the park could be seen in the distance, the long queue slowly making it's way forward and the children nearing the end of it getting increasingly excited. Faint music could be heard behind the tall walls mixed with the sound of happy screams. As we entered the park my attention was on the looming ferris wheel that impaled the clouds above it. It steadily crept it's way around in a perfect circle.

"Can we go on the ferris wheel!" I screamed getting more excited now we were finally here. Jimin laughed at my excitement, taking hold of my hand and guiding me through the crowds of people.

"You're so adorable, you know that right?" Jimin booped my nose, smiling a wide grin. We joined the end of the line for the ferris wheel that was extremely popular.

"Do you think you'll be allowed on?" Hobi said with a serious face, glancing over at Jimin.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Jimin gave him a confused expression in return.

"Well don't these things have height restrictions, I'm sure you have to be above 1.5m?" There was a short pause of silence before me and Hobi burst out in laughter. Tears streamed down my face whilst I clutched my stomach. Jimin, however was not laughing and didn't look impressed.

"Very funny." He rolled his eyes at Hobi who was on the floor, earning a few stares from parents who pushed their children behind them. "I'm not going on it anyway, I'm just keeping you company in the line."

"What? why?" I stopped laughing to look up at Jimin. I had wanted to go on the ferris wheel with Jimin like they did in romantic movies. It was snowing and the sun was beginning to set, it was literally the perfect setting.

"I don't like them," he gestured up at the ferris wheel. "I'm going to be keeping both feet on the ground." I pouted in disappointment, but at least I had Hobi to keep me company. We slowly edged forwards until we were at the front on the line and stepping into a small capsule.

"I'll meet you down here." Jimin smiled giving us a wave before walking over to a bench to rest on until we had finished. It was a little awkward with just me and Hobi in the capsule.

"It's so beautiful isn't it?" I stared out the small capsule feeling like I was in my own bubble. The city below got smaller, the people within it blurring into the streets. Lights twinkled from buildings and headlights, brighter than any star I had seen. I sighed, amazed at the view laid out before me.

"Extremely," I turned to look at Hobi, who was already staring at me. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while," he kicked at the ground, his eyes looking anywhere but mine. I immediately panicked expecting the worst.

"What is it?" I questioned turning my body to face his.

"I don't even know where to start." Hobi sighed, scratching his head. "When I found out you had gone to Daegu with Taehyung, I've honestly never been so scared of losing something in my life. Something clicked that day, I finally admitted to myself what I had known all along but was too afraid to admit it. I love you Autumn. A lot. And all I want is to be with you, but I understand you love Jimin and he loves you so much, I'm not going to stand in the way of that, I just want you to be happy."

My heart was thumping erratically in my chest. I couldn't find my voice. I felt my cheeks flush hot, and my stomach was heavy. How hadn't I noticed? "I'm so sorry," was all I could manage to choke out.

"There's nothing you have to be sorry for. I knew I was setting myself up for rejection, but I had to tell you, I couldn't keep it in any longer." Although he smiled at me affectionately I could tell he was holding back tears. Even if he had been expecting to be rejected you can't stop the feeling that there may be a slight sliver of hope. The small capsule was now making me feel claustrophobic, the walls seemingly closing in on me. Luckily, the ground wasn't in far reach and I could see Jimin's figure gradually getting larger.

"So, did you guys have fun?" Jimin questioned, swinging an arm around my shoulders, as we walked away from the feris wheel, completely oblivious to what had happened.

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