40. I Made A Promise

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Sudden outburst of emotion.


Jimin's POV

"So what do we do now?" We had arrived in Daegu half an hour ago and were currently sat in a tiny cafe that was huddled amongst the huge city buildings. Namjoon sat in between Yiren and Jungkook who had refused to sit next to or opposite each other.

"This was your idea," I responded, watching Hobi beside me who was finishing off a ridiculously large ice cream sundae.

"Do we actually know exactly where his brother lives?" Namjoon looked over at Yiren with a dubious look. If she didn't know where his brother lived then this whole trip would be a waste of time.

"I grew up around here with Taehyung. I think I remember where he lives. I'll know when I see it." Yiren hadn't spoken at all during the car journey here, she was clearly uncomfortable in our company, but that was understandable.

"Sweetheart, we're going to need you to put together those few brain cells of yours and think okay?" Jungkook rolled his eyes to face Yiren who refused to make any eye contact.

"Shut up Jungkook, who even asked you to come along with us?" People began to stare at us as Yiren raised her voice above the quiet noise of the cafe.

"I don't need to explain myself to you," Jungkook argued back, moving forward to look past Namjoon at Yiren.

"Will you two just shut up." Namjoon never raised his voice, saving it for times when he was really agitated. "You sound like 5 year olds." Namjoon shook his head, scolding the two of them.

"She acts like one too," Jungkook muttered under his breath, but loud enough for the whole table to hear.

"Yeah because you're real mature Jungkook. Just leave. We don't need you here so why the fuck are you tagging along like a shadow?" Yiren snapped, a hardened glare set on her face.

"Do you want to know why I'm fucking here?" Jungkook stood up abruptly from his seat, his muscles were tensed and anger flashed across his face. "I'm here because I'm not letting Taehyung do to Autumn what you did to me. I made a promise to my brother."

I looked up at him confused, the same expression mirrored by everyone else at the table. What did he mean he made a promise? And since when did he have a brother?

"Promise?" Hobi questioned, voicing my exact thoughts. Jungkook sat back down resting his face in his hands.

"My brother knew Autumn when they were younger. He made me promise if anything happened to him I would watch out for her. I didn't know who she was, I only agreed because I knew how much he loved her. Then a week later he was gone. I was told he had committed suicide." He stopped to breathe, trying to control his emotions. Jungkook's eyes had become glossy and I could tell he was trying his hardest to fight back the tears. "When I met her for the first time I didn't realise it was her. When she mentioned my brother I panicked, she wasn't anything like I had expected her to be. She's kind, funny, beautiful, I knew why my brother had fallen in love with her. But I let my stupid emotions get the better of me, I couldn't resist the temptation, I messed up big time." Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, tears streaming down his face, whilst his hands shook.

Namjoon took Jungkook in his arms, nursing him as Jungkook gripped onto his arm for support. I was in shock, I didn't know Jungkook had gone through so much. "I'm sorry," Hobi whispered, looking just as distraught as Jungkook did.

"It's okay," Jungkook managed to sniffle between sobs, "he died 3 years ago." My head snapped up to look at Jungkook. There was no way. No, it couldn't be. My head spun at just the thought of it, making me feel sick. This couldn't be happening.

"Yoongi?" My voice was no more than a whisper, I wasn't sure if Jungkook had even heard me. Jungkook looked up with widened eyes, the outside of them red and bloodshot.

"You knew him?" All eyes were on me and Jungkook. To other customers in the cafe we must have looked a mess, Jungkook and Hobi crying, their sobs being drowned by the music coming from a small radio in the corner of the cafe.

"No. Autumn used to speak about him all the time." I struggled to form the words that seemed to get stuck in my throat. I felt a sudden wash of regret, before I'd met Autumn Jungkook was not just a friend but a best friend. In the space of a month I'd punched him, threatened him even and wanted to kill him. Now I watched as he broke down in front of me just because I hadn't cared to listen to him or notice something was wrong.


An hour later we pulled up outside the apartment block Yiren had guided us too. We'd driven up and down endless streets looking for the familiar building, finally finding it in what would be considered the richer part of town.

"I'll go see if she's there, I don't think it's a good idea for us all to turn up uninvited." I watched as Yiren got out of the car and entered through the large glass doors. Once again we plummeted into an awkward silence.

"I know I keep saying it but I'm sorry." I placed a hand on Jungkook's knee who was sat next to me in the back seat. We had rekindled our broken friendship but I still was struggling with the guilt of it all.

"Don't be, I deserved it." His voice was hoarse as he stared out of the car window in deep thought.

"No you didn't, I've been a crap best friend to you and Hobi" I glanced over at Hobi who was sat in the passenger seat. "I reacted irrationally. I didn't know what to do in this situation, I've never loved someone as much as I love Autumn and just the thought of losing her drives me insane." Jungkook gives me a weak smile as Yiren emerges from the apartment block, striding towards the car quickly.

"She's not there, she's on a date with Taehyung." Yiren slid into the back of the car next to me. "The restaurant is just down the road, I'll direct you to it."

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