9. Shower Thoughts

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The small, precise details that make one unique.


As I step into the shower, my toes freeze up as they touch the cold ceramic floor. The water pours down my sides as my mind swirls and everything becomes a foggy illusion. Closing my eyes to the water, the heat sunk into my skin as I leant against the cool tiles. Thoughts of today flash across my mind like a videotape on rewind. I think about Jimin; his hair, his eyes, his lips. His everything. It felt wrong to think about Jimin whilst I was in the shower, soaking and fully naked. I grab my shampoo, massaging it into my damp hair as it struggled with the knots on my scalp. My eyes open as my phone lights up and begins vibrating against the windowsill I had left it on. Usually, I'd have ignored it, I didn't let anything interrupt my precious shower time, but it had been some time since I'd heard from Yoongi, and I was desperate to have some form of contact with him again.

As I open the shower door the frosty air hits and bites at my skin. I curse faintly, shifting from leg to leg in an attempt to maintain my body temperature. Due to the coconut-scented shampoo still coating my hands, the phone almost slips out of my hand as my fingers fumble for the answer button. "Yoongi, I'm taking a shower, what's up?"

"Who's Yoongi?" The voice responded back on the other end of the phone. I'm stunned into a brief silence before answering again. "Jimin?" I crouch to the floor out of embarrassment before instantly leaping back up as I feel the chilly tiles nip at my skin. I never checked the caller ID when someone called me because Yoongi was the only one who had my number. I had completely forgotten I'd given Jimin my phone number at the bakery.

"Did you say you were having a shower?" Although I couldn't see his smirk through the phone, I knew it was there by the tone of his voice. "What are you calling for?" I question, confused as to what he could possibly have to say to me. I hated phone calls, they were awkward at the best of times, but speaking to an attractive male I had met just days ago was not making the situation any better.

"I was going to ask if you could come over tomorrow and help me pack for London. I don't know what I'm doing and I've heard females are supposed to be better at that sort of thing." For the first time since I'd met him, Jimin sounds shy, almost timid as he speaks. My mouth hangs open, conflicted on what to do. One half of me was screaming yes. It would be the perfect opportunity to get to know Jimin better and would allow us to spend some more time together before the trip. The other half of me flashed warning signs. Trying to stop me from doing something stupid.

"Is 4 pm okay?" I voice quietly into the phone. My mind had lost to my heart this time. "Perfect, I'll send you over my address. Thank you so much you're a lifesaver!" Jimin hangs up the call without a goodbye before I can. What had just happened? My phone buzzed in my hands as I receive a message containing Jimin's address. The street name is familiar, and I realise it was roughly only a 20-minute walk to his place. It was in the more neglected part of Seoul which surprised me. Jimin had always seemed like your typical well-to-do, rich kid.

After rinsing the last few suds from my hair and letting it air dry I scoured through my tiny wardrobe looking for a suitable outfit to wear the next day. I had considered asking Yoongi to come round but he was no fashionista and we hadn't spoken since he left that night.
A dress would make it look like I was trying too hard but jeans looked like I hadn't tried enough. After much contemplation, I settled for a grey knit jumper and denim skirt paired with some black tights due to the cold weather. I also picked out my best lingerie, you know, just in case.

I knew I was in for another sleepless night as I laid with my head against my pillow creating sketches of the day ahead.

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