60. Jungkook

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1 day since Taehyung's death

Cardboard boxes scrawled on with marker littered the floor. The walls bare, missing the usual framed faces that mounted them. The home becoming a house once more. Years ago I'd imagined leaving this house - dad and Yoongi dead, my mother practically dead to me. But now I was actually going to miss it. I'd initially opposed the idea of moving away with Yoongi, but after consideration, maybe it's what I needed. A brand new start.

"You ready to go?" Yoongi pops his head around my bedroom door. We'd finally packed the car with all our belongings ready to start our new life. I nod my head, getting up from the wooden floor to follow him down the stairs. Outside black clouds sprawl across the sky. There is a stillness in the air which is broken by the crackle of thunder. The trees sway and the first drops of rain begin to fall. I jog to the car, getting in the passenger seat as Yoongi starts the engine.

I take one last look at the house I'd called home for the past 19 years before it became just a spec in the distance. Water droplets hit the car windows as we drive, despite everything, the rain calms me as I watch the raindrops run down the windows. Yoongi turns the radio on, setting it at a low volume. I recognise the song immediately and begin to hum along quietly to myself.

"Sing," Yoongi speaks beside me, making me jump at the sudden noise.

"What?" I question, looking over at him with a confused expression.

"You don't need to be embarrassed to sing in front of me. I hear you singing all the time. You're good," Yoongi takes his eyes of the road for a split second to smile at me. It's rare that he ever smiles nowadays so it sends a warmth down my body. Finding the courage within me I begin to sing, following the melody effortlessly. When I sing it's like nothing else in the world matters but all I can think of is what I'm leaving behind. Although I'd gotten my brother back, I'd lost a lot in return.

My farewell to Jimin and Hobi had been awkward. I didn't know what to say - see you soon? Talk later? - nothing seemed appropriate. I didn't know if this was really going to be the last time or how long it would be until I see them again. I didn't plan on returning anytime soon, once I'd committed to something there was no going back.

And then there had been Autumn. She'd cried her eyes out as she hugged me goodbye. I'd seen her cry many times before, but never because of me. It shattered my heart into pieces seeing her so vulnerable and broken. I hadn't wanted to say goodbye at all, just simply disappear, but Yoongi had insisted I bid my farewells to the others. I just hope Autumn doesn't think that me leaving means I love her any less, I hope she knows that it's because I love her too much.

I sang the last notes of the song as it came to end and we were reverted back to silence, other than the low rumble of thunder and patter of rain on the car roof.

"A talent like that shouldn't go to waste," Yoongi breaks the silence. A faint smile grows on my face. Maybe he was right.

Autumn Leaves / Park Jimin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now